It all starts underground. Groundwater flows slowly between sand,
gravel, pores and between cracks in rock in formations called
aquifers. These aquifers feed our lakes and streams, are used for
agriculture, and most importantly provide the drinking water we
need. Groundwater can become vulnerable to contamination from above
ground surface contaminants if proper measures are not in place.
There are several ways for all of us to protect our groundwater.
First, store and properly dispose of hazardous household substances
to prevent direct contact with the ground surface. In addition, do
not dispose of unused pharmaceuticals into your septic system
(public or private) since traces of medications have been detected
in groundwater. Secondly, if you are not served by a public sewer,
properly maintain your onsite septic system to prevent improperly
treated waste from entering into the groundwater supply. Third,
properly seal unused wells since abandoned wells can pose a safety
hazard and can provide a direct route for contaminants to enter the
groundwater supply. Prior to having a well sealed, contact your
local health department for information concerning regulations.

There is an estimated 400,000 water wells serving the household
needs of over approximately 1.3 million people in Illinois. If you
rely on your own water well, it is important to properly maintain
the well and well site to prevent groundwater contamination. First,
make sure sources of contamination (i.e. chemicals, livestock,
septic systems, etc.) are located far enough from your well by
establishing a safety zone. This set back may commonly range from 50
feet to over 200 feet depending on type or source of contamination.
The Illinois Water Well Construction Code has established
regulations for minimum setback distances and your local health
department can provide you with this information. Secondly, it is
important to have your well routinely inspected by a licensed water
well contractor to ensure the well is maintained and in good
condition. Defects such as a crack in the well cap or casing can
provide a direct route for surface contaminants to reach your
drinking water and groundwater.
[to top of second column] |

The water from public systems is regulated by the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency and is routinely monitored for
contaminant levels. Private well owners, on the other hand, must
manage their own water systems and take responsibility to ensure
their water is safe. As part of this process, water well owners
are encouraged to have their water tested at least annually to
monitor bacteria, nitrates and other contaminants of local
concern. Well water test kits are available at the Logan
County Department of Public Health at a cost of $15.00. In addition,
the Logan County Department of Public Health will be providing well
water nitrate screenings at the March 28th Community Health Fair.
High nitrates in well water, if consumed by infants, pregnant or
nursing women, can pose a health risk. To have your water screened,
simply bring a sample of your well water to the environmental health
display booth.
The Logan County Department of Public Health asks for your support
in doing your part to protect our groundwater in recognition of
National Groundwater Awareness Week. If you would like more
information, contact the Logan County Department of Public Health at
Source: IL Dept. of Public Health, IL Association of Groundwater
Professionals, US EPA
[Don Cavi, Public Health
Administrator, Logan County Department of Public Health]