"I’ve been in agriculture my entire life, both as a farmer
and a professional working to promote the industry,” Nelson
said. “I realize that there is a lot of work to do, such as
strengthening our transportation infrastructure, increasing
exports, and serving our customers in a timely manner. My
priority is to listen and work with producers and stakeholders
to make sure we are supporting our #1 industry and ultimately
working to turnaround Illinois’ economy.”
Nelson previously served as the President of the Illinois Farm
Bureau. Additionally, he was president of the companies that
make up COUNTRY Financial, Illinois Agricultural Service
Company, the IAA Foundation, and served on the Coordinating
Committee of GROWMARK, Inc. He operates a farm near Seneca,
growing corn, soybeans, and alfalfa and runs a cow-calf
Director Nelson has been very active in community and
agricultural organizations throughout his career. Among his
accomplishments, Philip was state FFA Star Farmer of Illinois in
1977; American Farm Bureau Federation’s National Outstanding
Young Farmer in 1984; President of the Illinois Soybean
Association from 1989-1991; President of LaSalle County Farm
Bureau, 1993-1999; Vice President of the American Soybean
Association from 1993-1994; Chairman of AFBF’s Swine Advisory
Committee from 1997 to 2000; and Prairie Farmer Master Farmer in
[Illinois Department of Agriculture]