Present: Kevin Bateman; Bob Farmer; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben;
David Hepler; Jan Schumacher; Dennis Reves
Guests: Heather Fitzanko, Tracy Bergin, Mike Kirlin, Gina Welchel;
Mitzi Rohlfs
Mr. Bateman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to
approve the minutes from the August 4, 2015 meeting. Motion passed.
Old Business:
1. Salary Reimbursement and Office Renovation – Kim Turner’s Office:
Mr. Bateman will contact her to see if there is any new
2. Military Veteran’s Information Center: Nothing to report.
3. Floor Plan/Furniture at the Assessor’s Office: Nothing to
4. Electricity work in band shelter at Latham Park: Mr.
Bateman will check in with Dave about the progress.

5. Ptac Unit in Sally Turner’s Office: Sally has 2 in and
operating; Vicki has 3 in and operating; Jon Wright’s office is
still waiting.
6. Animal Control Roof: Henson Robinson looked at the roof
and the gutters are all bad, also. The bid for all new gutters and
roof is $35,000. Mr. Bateman discussed asking for bids and Mr. Ruben
discussed concerns about being too over-budget to work on the roof
this fiscal year.
New Business: 1. On-Site Paper Shredding Proposal
Mr. Bateman would like to know the cost for the largest bin that
can fit into the Courthouse elevator in an effort to save money on
per-bin charges. The County will advertise for bids with
specifications for paper only shredding and multiple size, lockable
a. Mike Kirlin: COPS Paper Shredding: The last several years
a rear-loading recycling truck from the Decatur plant has come to
Lincoln to pick up non-confidential office paper. There are 6 bins
at the Courthouse. COPS currently does not charge the County for the
service. However, the company is going to stop offering rear-loading
truck services and instead begin the on-site shredding program. This
will give the opportunity for both confidential and non-confidential
shredding done on site and the County will have lockable bins. The
charge will be a per- service charge for each bin. Dumps can be
b. Heather Fitzanko: AAA Confidential Security: Confidential
Security is currently serving the Logan County State’s Attorney. The
company is a local, family-owned company that shreds and recycles
both confidential and non-confidential information. They destroy
micro-media, paper, cds, and hard drives. They are plant based, so
everything is removed to the plant instead of on site. The price can
also be calculated per-service for each bin.
[to top of second column] |

2. Alliance Arts in the Park 2016 Liquor Permit for Latham
Park: Guest did not attend. Mr. Bateman has concerns that he
would like to discuss with the Alliance next month if an
Alliance representative attends. Mr. Bateman detailed the
following concerns: has the City of Lincoln awarded an alcohol
permit? Has the issue of alcohol proximity to a church/school
been resolved? Has the date, which coincides with the Emden
Homecoming, been discussed with other towns? Are they still
planning to fence in the playground? Mr. Bateman hopes to have
answers by next month’s meeting.
3. LC Board office desk: Tabled until next month. Mr.
Ruben would like to bring the filing cabinets from the
Assessor’s office to the LCB office.
4. Good Energy: Guest did not attend. No discussion.
5. EPA Notice: Informational. No action required.
Family Bounce Day – Scully Park – October 11 – A motion
was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to approve this
request. Motion passed.
Report from Dennis Reves: The problem with the fountain is
that the water is running inside the fountain, blowing out all the
motor, instead of on the outside. The estimate is $2,400 or less. It
would have to be taken completely apart. Mr. Bateman would like to
take it all the way out and fix it from the bottom up.

Budget Matters: Nothing to report.
Communications: Nothing to report.
A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to approve
the bills. Motion passed.
A motion was made by (inaudible), seconded by (inaudible), to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:10 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website] |