Friendship Manor residents celebrate Halloween with a party

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[November 03, 2015]     Send a link to a friend  Share

On Friday, Friendship Manor hosted a special mid-day Halloween Party for residents. A big part of the fun was a costume contest with several residents participating. Staff from Lincoln Daily News was asked to attend and judge the contest led by LDN’s Director of advertising, Karen Hargis.

It was a tough call for the judges as they looked over each contestant, then conferred for several minutes on who would be tagged as the first, second, and third place winners. In the end, it was a coin toss for first, with both entries being equally creative. First place went to the Bride of Frankenstein as portrayed by Connie Guzouskis. Diane Dill took second with a classic and frightening wicked witch. Third place went to the whimsical and fancy interpretation of “Hello Dolly” by Ann Holloway. Each winner was given a lovely gift basket full of treats and gifts.

Other entries included a classic cowgirl, a roaring 20’s flapper, a dark angel; a bad Santa, who proclaimed he was not “Saint” Nick, but the other one; and a sweet young thing that said she was "just being herself!"

As residents came into the dining room, they were entered into a drawing for a door prize that consisted of a Halloween themed blanket, made by the Manor’s quilting and sewing group. The winner of the door prize was Barb Miller. Barb had to leave the room for a bit and was not present when the drawing was conducted.

After the judging, everyone enjoyed a special Halloween buffet lunch and a time of fun and fellowship with fellow residents.

Pictures by Nila Smith

From left to right, Connie Guzouskis, Diane Dill and Ann Holloway as first, second, and third place winners respectively.






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