The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, one of the
academic institutions involved in developing the educational
tools, is conducting a study to learn more about farmers' and
land owners' decision processes, including what tools and
resources were used by producers to make their ARC PLC choices.
Participation in the study will assist the University of
Illinois on how its USDA-funded decision tool assisted with your
selection of ARC or PLC, where the tool was helpful, or where
the tool needs improvement. Participation in the study is
voluntary and confidential. Any data collected by the university
will be averaged and reported in aggregate only. Individual
information and responses will not be made public.
To participate in the study, click .
For more information about USDA and university partnerships,
20140529_rel_0106.html. To learn more about ARC or
PLC, visit
[USDA Farm Service Agency]