“Time to go after The Ghost again.”
“Tomorrow night?”
“I’ll be there,” said Dud.
The Ghost, hereabouts, is a raccoon. He lives along Lewis Creek and
is a wily old rascal. We love going coonhunting here, but the way we
do it is a bit different than they do it other places. Since we
don’t have a lot of water around us, as they do in some areas, we
don’t have a lot of ‘coons, either. So we conserve the ‘coons, but
not the fun. We throw ‘em back when we’re done.
So we take these beautiful fall and winter nights, put on several
layers of longjohns, and turn the hounds out along the creek.
Sometimes the dogs strike a ‘coon track and put the ‘coon up the
tree quickly. Then we tell the dogs how wonderful they are, hook the
dogs to leashes, and drag them back to the truck. It’s hunting’s
answer to catch-and-release. The coons stay in the tree until we’re
gone and then go back to making the nights more interesting.
But not The Ghost. The Ghost is a big male, or boar. We’ve treed him
more than a dozen times now, and then he discovered this was kinda
fun. So now he waits in a one-acre patch of trees. Waits for the
dogs. And when they catch his scent, he takes those dogs through
farmyards, across busy streets, even past the dog pound. He does
everything he can to shake them off his trail, and it works. The
dogs haven’t treed him in three years now. It the dogs get smart to
his ways and put too much pressure on him, he swims the river.
So Dud and Herb will try The Ghost again tomorrow. Will the dogs put
him up a tree this time? Don’t bet on it. [Text from file received from
Slim Randles] |

Ol' Jimmy Dollar
is Slim Randles' first children's book. The book is for kids
K-3rd grades and is even better when parents read it with children.
Ol' Jimmy Dollar makes for sweet dreams and if you have a dog
even better. Available now on Amazon.