The public
is invited to Camp Griesheim's
Annual Meeting to be held on Sunday,
September 15 at 5 p.m. in their main
facility in Atlanta, Illinois.
Refreshments and fellowship will
follow the meeting.
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on
St. John UCC
to host Christian Carnival on Sunday
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on
St. John United
Church of Christ in Lincoln is sponsoring a
Christian Carnival on Sunday from 2:30 to
4:30 p.m. The activities will be on the
church's parking lot, at the corner of
Eighth and Maple streets.
public is invited. All ages are welcome to
join in the games, snacks, songs, stories
and more fun -- and win prizes, too -- all
for free.
For answers to questions about the event,
call the church office, 732-6957.
The carnival is sponsored by the St. John
Christian Education Ministry.
[Text from
file received]
- See more at:
Saturday Meal
Logan County Love
Open to everyone
Logan County Love will once again provide a free
meal to anyone wishing to join. If you are
interested, please stop by and introduce
yourself as the group would love to see everyone
in the community. Come hungry and leave
fulfilled. For this month, the meal will include
chicken and noodles. If you are unable to drive
but would like a meal, call the church,
217-732-6957, between 5 and 6 pm.
St. John UCC, corner of
Seventh and Maple
5-6:30 pm - See more at:
3rd Saturday
Logan County Love
Open to everyone
Logan County Love will once again provide a free
meal to anyone wishing to join. If you are
interested, please stop by and introduce
yourself as the group would love to see everyone
in the community. Come hungry and leave
fulfilled. For this month, the meal will include
chicken and noodles. If you are unable to drive
but would like a meal, call the church,
217-732-6957, between 5 and 6 pm.
St. John UCC, corner of
Seventh and Maple
5-6:30 pm
- See more at:
Life Pointe Church of God
601 Pulaski St., Lincoln
Tuesday, November 24th 6:30
Doors open at 5. Food is available
Please invite your friends. Lots of
great items in this auction.
Soup and Salad Supper
The First Baptist Church of Lincoln
101 Broadway Street
Friday, December 4th.
Our fresh ingredient homemade soups will
include the church soup contest winner,
Cheeseburger, along with Chicken and
Noodle and a thick and meaty Chili.
Our salad bar will have a wide variety
of items including fruit and pudding.
Drinks will include iced tea, lemonade
and coffee. Serving will be from 4 pm to
7 pm with carry out available.
Extra soup can be purchased as
availability permits. Reserve your
tickets by calling Dennis at
217-737-6416 or Marilyn at 217-737-6426.
Proceeds will go to our new church
Everyone is invited to
Christmas Mustang Style
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Holland-Middletown Elementary School in Middletown IL
7 AM-11
Vendors in the Gym with Great Christmas Gift Ideas
9 AM – 11 AM
Santa visiting the boys & girls
Crafts for the Kids in the Gym
BINGO in the Gym
Quarter Auction – Gym (paddles sales start at 11 AM)
1 PM
Drawing for ½ Hog PLUS processing fee (up to $100)
Christmas Mustang Style is hosted by the New Holland-Middletown
Community Supports Education committee with proceeds going towards
new playground equipment for the district.
St. John's Lutheran Church,
Service of Remembrance
Sunday, December 13, 2015 at 4 pm
We will be honoring people we have lost
over the years, knowing how hard the
Christmas Season can be. We invited
anyone who has lost someone close to our
Service of Remembrance.

S. Vine St.
December 2 - Advent Service with Zion Chestnut at 7pm- at
Chestnut Zion Church
December 5 - Zion Lutheran Church and School is featured in
the Mt. Pulaski Tour of Homes starting in 4 pm
December 9 - Advent Dinner put on by the Zion Lutheran Church
and School's PTL from 5:30-7:00pm then our Worship service starting
at 7pm
December 13 - Christmas Program being put on by our Sunday
School students - Preschool thru 8th grade
December 15 - School Christmas Program starting at 7pm
December 24th - Christmas Eve Worship at 7pm
December 25th - Christmas Day Worship at 10:00am
Church Services at 9:30 am
Sunday School for youth at 10:40
Advent Schedule
Sunday, November 29 – First Sunday of Advent – Advent
Readers: The Guilliams Family
Sermon: “Take Heart” Scripture Focus: Luke 21:25-36
Sunday, December 6 – Second Sunday of Advent – Advent
Readers: The Asher’s and Dottie Russell
Sermon: “Let Your Love Flow” Scripture Focus: Philippians 1:3-11
Holy Communion will be served at rail
Sunday, December 13 – Third Sunday of Advent – Advent
Readers: The Lessen’s & Gehlbach’s
Sermon: “Rejoice, Pray, and Trust in God” Scripture Focus:
Philippians 4:4-7; Zephaniah 3:14-20
Sunday, December 20 – Fourth Sunday of Advent – Advent
Readers: The Bathe’s
Sermon: “Finding Favor” Scripture Focus: Luke 1:39-45, 47-55
Friday, December 24 – Christmas Eve Service – 6 pm
Scripture Readings, Music, & Celebration of Christ coming into the
There will be special treats for the “children” and “young at
Sunday, December 27 Sermon: “Christmas Is Over…Now What?”
Sunday, January 3 – Epiphany of the Lord Sunday
Sermon: “Wise Men and Women Still Seek Him” Scripture Focus: Matthew
Mt. Pulaski Christian Church
115 North Washington St., Mt.
December 13 - Children's Christmas program entitled "Star
Trip", December 13th at 10:45 a.m. The program will be held in the
Mt. Pulaski Christian Church Family Life Center (114 North Lafayette
St., Mt. Pulaski)
December 20 - Adult Community Christmas Cantata,
December 20th at 2:00 p.m. The cantata will be held in the Mt.
Pulaski Christian Church Sanctuary (115 North Washington St., Mt.
December 24 - Christmas Eve service, December 24th at 6:00
p.m. The candlelight service will be held in the Mt. Pulaski
Christian Church Sanctuary (115 North Washington St., Mt. Pulaski)
Elkhart Christian Church
113 S.
Gillett St., Elkhart
December 13, 6:00 pm
Christmas Choral Cantata – “Were You There On That Christmas Night?”
Tuesday, December 15, 6:30 pm
Men’s Night Out Dinner and Christmas Shopping
Sunday, December 20th, 9:30 am
Christmas Worship and Praise Service
Sunday, December 20th, 5:00 pm
All Church Christmas Caroling
Thursday, December 24th, 7:00pm
Christmas Eve Candlelight and Communion Service
All events are free of charge and everyone is invited to join us!