The voluntary program, established by the 2014 Farm Bill,
provides financial assistance to participating farmers when the
margin – the difference between the price of milk and feed costs
– falls below the coverage level selected by the farmer.
Producers are encouraged to use the online Web resource at to calculate the best levels
of coverage for their dairy operation. The secure website can be
accessed via computer, smartphone or tablet.
Producers who were enrolled in 2015 will need to make a coverage
election for 2016 and pay the $100 administration fee. Although
any unpaid premium balances for 2015 must be paid in full by the
enrollment deadline to remain eligible for higher coverage
levels in 2016, premiums for 2016 are not due until Sept. 1,
2016. Also, producers can work with milk marketing companies to
remit premiums on their behalf.

to top of second column] |
To enroll in the Margin Protection Program for Dairy, contact your
local FSA county office. To find your local FSA county office, visit
Payments under the program may be reduced by a certain percentage
due to a sequester order required by Congress and issued pursuant to
the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
Should a payment reduction be necessary, FSA will reduce the payment
by the required amount.
[USDA Farm Service Agency] |