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Real Estate [see
Publisher's Notice)
Pizza Man family restaurant, 120 E. Cooke, Mt. Pulaski. Business,
equipment & real estate - $275k. 70 ft x 40 ft
brick / block building, full basement, additional adjoining lot.
Business established 1981. turn-key operation.
Contact Marsha 217-725-7953
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For Sale
Multi-family home with nearly 2,700 square feet of living space,
on a double lot for sale near downtown Lincoln. Two story, 3
bedrooms, 2 baths with 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment offering
rental income potential or extended family living nearby.
Stacked Washer/Dryer in both units & all appliances included,
all dated but in working condition. Detached 3 car garage with
newer metal doors and newer thermal windows throughout. Porches
on 3 sides, one fully screened with two entrances. Lots of
potential and priced to allow for modest renovation budget for
the amount of living area. Custom cherry built-in closet &
entertainment center in master bedroom. Original wood work
throughout. 2 gas fireplaces, radiator steam gas supplied heat.
2 boilers in good condition, one newer water heater.
Asking $75,000 or make offer!
Estate owners are motivated to sell.
Showing appointment only. 217-871-0704
evenings or 217-732-2757 daytime.
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