celebration, the business will host an open house from 10:30
a.m. to 2 p.m. that will feature fun and food for everyone in
the community.
According to information received from Rachel Shew, the day will
include food, door prizes, and a bounce house for the kids.
The ribbon cut will be hosted by the Lincoln/Logan County
Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors and will take place at noon.
Mark Shew has been doing woodworking and cabinetry in the
Lincoln area for the many years. Shew previously a model home on
display on Woodlawn Road next door to Jake’s Furnishings.
Last year, the Shews purchased property on the city's far west
side, next door to the Holiday Inn and began building up their
business. The first step was to erect a new model home. They
built a second building to house the sales office as well as the
kitchen cabinetry displays.
With everything now complete the Shew's are ready to celebrate
and share their new business with the community.
The Shew's are hopeful that the community will turn out on
Saturday to enjoy the fruits of their labors. The new business
is located at 133 Ball Drive, right between the Holiday Inn and
Interstate 55.
[Nila Smith]