Newly painted water tower in Mount Pulaski has residents seeing red - literally

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[October 15, 2015]     Send a link to a friend  Share

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Wednesday - The Mount Pulaski water tower has a fresh coat of blue paint much to the delight of the townspeople. On Wednesday afternoon the crew from TMI Coatings worked diligently on stenciling the town's name back on the big blue ball. As soon as the painting and restoration contractors are done with that project and the paint dries, the tower will be filled with water. Mount Pulaski residents have had to deal with a few boil orders recently, but hopefully all those issues are in the past and residents of the Hilltop town can look forward to admiring the beautiful tower for many more years to come.



Friday - The newly-painted water tower of Mount Pulaski has residents seeing red - literally. The color was revealed Thursday afternoon as the crews painted the color red in the black-stenciled outline. It's certainly a change for the townspeople and many residents are questioning if there was going to be a change, why not purple and gold for the beloved Hilltoppers of Mount Pulaski High School? Well, that's apparently another story.


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