Past President, Perry Grieme, turned over the gavel to new
president, Carol Mills. Other officers installed were
President-elect Steve Harvey, Vice President Roy Logan, Treasurer
Stu Churchill, Secretary Bridget Schneider, Past president Perry
Grieme and Directors; Mike Booher, Sal Pollice, and Kent Froebe. The
new officers were installed by District Lt. Governor Patrick Stout.
Greime presented the Kiwanis Distinguished Service award to Mike
Booher and the Kiwanian of the Year Award to Bridget Schneider.
A Legion of Honor Certificate was presented to Gerald Carter for his
54 years of service.
The dinner was prepared by Lincoln College Food Service Director
Laura Adams and staff and musical entertainment was provided by
Gunderman and Klink. The Lincoln Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at
noon at the Lincoln American Legion Post 263 in the Mary {at Room.
Kiwanis is an international organization of members dedicated to
serving the children of the world, both locally and globally
[Carol Mills] |
