The Lincoln Zone of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary
League (LWML) Central Illinois District held its
annual fall rally on September 16 at Christ Lutheran
Church, Delavan under the theme, “Go Ye – Means Me!”
Christ Lutheran Church, Delavan and St. Luke’s
Lutheran Church, San Jose hosted the rally with
Gloria Cunningham serving as rally chairperson. Zone
President Alice Meeker conducted the business
meeting. Central Illinois District officers in
attendance included Pam Spilker, President; Dawn
Zerkel, Christian Life Chairman; Cheryl Garlisch,
Leader Development Chairman; and Pastor Mark Peters,
Jr. Counselor. There were 39 who attended the rally.
The LWML is an auxiliary of the Lutheran
Church—Missouri Synod. Its purpose is to “Serve the
Lord with Gladness” by sharing the saving faith of
Jesus Christ throughout the United States and the
The featured speaker for the day was Karen Ruhlig
who addressed the assembly on a short-term mission
trip she, along with a few other women of the
Central Illinois District, had taken last summer to
Koszalin, Poland to teach Vacation Bible School. Her
slide presentation showed the children, which were
divided into classes by age, enjoying the various
class sessions of Bible School. It was easy to love
the children and a blessing to be able to teach them
about their Savior, Jesus Christ.

The “Gifts from the Heart” ingathering for this
year’s rally was an offering to help the tornado
victims of the recent tornado that hit Delavan. A
total of $383 was collected to give to these people
in need.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Havana will host the
rally in 2016.