Turner said her office has received a few calls from voters
wanting to know when the Presidential Election was, where they vote,
and who's on the ballot.
Many standard calendars list Tuesday, November 3 as Election Day,
but that's not the case in Illinois. Our next election will be the
General Primary on March 15, 2016, in which voters will nominate
within their party for the those they want to represent them in the
November 2016 General Election. Petitions are now being circulated
for placement on the ballot for the March Primary, which leads to
additional confusion by the electorate.
If you have questions concerning voting and voting eligibility,
please contact the Office of the County Clerk Elections Department
at (217)732-4148 or go to the website at www.co.logan.il.us under
County Clerk for useful tools for registration and voting.
[Sally J. Turner, Logan County Clerk] |
