Shay Model A's come to Lincoln in search of the Blue Dog Inn


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[August 31, 2015]     Send a link to a friend  Share

On Tuesday, LDN came across these two fabulous automobiles touring the downtown Lincoln area. It turns out the vehicles are 50th Anniversary replicas of the 1929 Shay Model A manufactured by Ford Motor Company. The replica vehicles were manufactured between 1979 and 1982, which even those years officially makes them classic cars in their own right.

The red and black car belongs to Judd and Nancy Schwindenhammer, and the black one belongs to their friends Clyde and Karen Petty. The four friends had driven the "blue highways" from Peoria to Lincoln after hearing about a great place in Lincoln to eat, the Blue Dog Inn. Veering off the interstates, they had enjoyed a morning of driving through the country, then had their lunch at the Blue Dog. Afterward, they were motoring through town in search of another place they heard was great in Lincoln, Abe's Carmelcorn Shoppe. The ladies couldn't leave town without doing a little shopping.

Pictures by Roy Logan






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