Present: Chuck Ruben-Chairman; Bob Farmer; Andy Anderson; Gene
Rohlfs; Emily Davenport; Rick Aylesworth
Guests: Mike Brettl; Sally Turner; Kevin Bateman; Jan Schumacher;
Abbey Freese; Pam Meagher; Kirby Rodgers
Mr. Ruben called the meeting to order at 5:00p.m.
A motion was made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to
approve the minutes of the June 9, 2015 meeting as printed. Motion
Old Business: None
New Business:
Administrative Assistant Position: The committee discussed
the replacement of Mrs. Freese or reconfiguring responsibilities to
other offices.
Mr. Rohlfs is not in favor of losing an administrative assistant
in the County Board office. Mr. Rohlfs likes the idea of having two
people in the office and the office never being closed. A motion was
made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to hire another
administrative assistant in Mrs. Freese’s place. Motion passed.
The committee agreed the salary for the administrative assistant
would be $23,500 plus benefits.
A motion was made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to run
an ad in the paper on June 25, 26 and 27. Resumes are due July 1st
by 4:00p.m. Mrs. Schumacher, Mr. Hepler and Mrs. Meagher will review
the applications. There will be a Special Regular Board meeting on
July 6th to interview the candidates. Motion passed.
Part-Time Maintenance Worker: The committee would like to run
an ad for the part-time summer help. The ad will run in the paper
June 25, 26 and 27. Resumes will be due by July 6th and reviewed by
the Building and Grounds committee. The position is for 29 hours a
week and the person will be paid hourly. The hourly pay will start
out at $10.00 per hour. Job requirements for the position: must have
a clean background and a valid driver’s license. The part-time
summer help will clean-up Scully and Latham Parks and Logan County
[to top of second column] |

A motion was made by Mrs. Davenport, seconded by Mr.
Aylesworth, to go out for resumes for the part-time summer help.
Motion passed.
DCS Copier Contracts: Mrs. Meagher explained to the
committee about the new copier contract. Mrs. Meagher reported
on Tuesday, February 17th, DCS delivered new copiers to the
Courthouse. DCS agreed to take the old copiers from CDS from the
Courthouse. On April 3rd , Mike Brettl from DCS told Mrs.
Meagher that we would receive an invoice from CDS in the amount
of $1,216.63 and not to pay that bill. Mrs. Meagher and Mrs.
Freese have yet to pay that bill. CDS has been hounding Mrs.
Freese and Mrs. Meagher to pay that bill. Mrs. Freese and Mrs.
Meagher are ready to pay the bill and get it off their desks.
Mr. Brettl informed the committee he is taking care of the bill
and not to pay the bill.
A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 5:59pm.
[Copied from Logan County website] |