Present: Gene Rohlfs; Rick Aylesworth; David Blankenship, Bob
Farmer, Chuck Ruben, Scott Schaffenacker
Absent: Dave Hepler Guests: Curt Fox
Mr. Rohlfs called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Aylesworth, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to
approve the minutes from the June 1, 2015 meeting as printed. Motion
Old Business:
1) Pavement Marking and Maintenance (AAA-4438) Update: Bids
7/31/2015 at Hanson’s. Estimate is $152,000; our share is 10%, which
is $15,200.
2) Door Repairs Project: Done
3) Shrub Trimming/ Removal: Mr. Rohlfs contacted a contractor
but has had no response. Give him a little more time to respond.
4) Airport Entrance Sign: Brett + Mr. Rohlfs met. They marked
a spot-- North & West of existing sign along Airport Rd.
New Business:
1. 2015/2016 Budget:
112 Capital Improvement Fund – Motion to approve and send to
Finance Committee. Motion by Mr. Blankenship, seconded by Mr.
Aylesworth. Motion passed.
111 Airport – Motion to approve and send to Finance
Committee. Motion by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth. Motion
110 Farm – Motion to approve and send to Finance Committee.
Motion by Mr. Blankenship, seconded by Mr. Schaffenacker. Motion
2. Farm Tile Work: Nothing new to add.
[to top of second column] |

Airport Report: Mr. Rohlfs reported 656 gallons of
fuel were sold in June. Grass runway is closed.
There is another crop duster asking for permission to operate.
Mr. Ruben gave his blessing, but Division of Aeronautics was
concerned about an agreement. We have an agreement (February
2011), so with Chuck’s blessing, we’ll let him fly. Big thing is

HIF Report: Nothing to report.
Farm Report: USDA Report Handout
Budget Review: No concerns at this time.
A motion was made by Mr. Aylesworth, seconded by Mr.
Schaffenacker, to approve the bills as presented for payment.
Motion passed.
Public Comments: None
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Farmer to
adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:32 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website] |