A work crew set to work attaching the metal roof, another group
constructed picnic benches and others were performing clean up tasks
throughout the park. There was even a crew from His Hands Outreach,
a neighborhood ministry, to cook and feed volunteers.
As the roofing crew progressed, another crew began assembling the
first of eight new picnic tables for the park pavilion.
On the opposite side of the park, several brave gals tackled
clean-up of a weeds and vines, and some trash area that had
accumulated along a fence line.
The simple neighborhood park surrounded by homes is well-used by
area residents. Ray White Park located just east of the Logan County
Fairground, about eight blocks south of Woodlawn Road taking Monroe
Street, features a diversity of attractiveness - a small flower
planted area, wide open spaces for field games, playground
equipment, large trees shade park benches and picnic tables.

Construction of the pavilion and the gift of the picnic tables
represents the last activity of seven years of projects performed by
TFL. All of the work could not be completed in one day. Crews began
prior to Sunday and will continue until the project is completed.
[to top of second column] |

Some of the TFL volunteers are also involved in a year round ministry, His Hands
Outreach. HHO has been hosting activities in the park and the surrounding
neighborhood for a few years. A community garden has been of great value and
brought neighbors together. Children and some adults often join together to eat
on Sundays and play games offered in the park.
Now a nice new community house sponsored by His Hands Outreach is opening right
across from the park. Executive Director Ed Tibbits heads over to the park to
check on things as Deb Hoover watches from the back ground. Her husband Don
Hoover was serving up hotdogs to workers in the park.
The community house will provide a place out of the weather for activities to
take place year round and will be especially valuable during the winter months.
Weekly adult and children hours, activities and programs are being scheduled.
Watch LDN for further details on this dynamic ministry.
[Jan Youngquist] |