Upcoming events at Sugar Grove Nature Center

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[August 15, 2016]  FUNKS GROVE - Upcoming events at Sugar Grove Nature Center

Hummingbird Festival & Pollination Celebration
Saturday, August 27, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Hummingbird Banding from 10:00 a.m.-Noon.
FREE for ALL AGES! No registration required.

What is pollination and why are pollinators important?

Join us to find out! All ages are encouraged to learn about hummingbirds, monarchs, bees, and other pollinators from experts during programs, guided hikes, and garden tours. Browse an assortment of products available from Wild Birds Unlimited of Normal. Learn about Monarch butterfly tagging, tour our Monarch WayStation, and visit with Wild Ones members to learn more about the incredible value of planting native plants, especially milkweed, on your property.

Certified Interpretive Guide Training
Thursdays, September 8, 15, 22, & 29; 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Adults Only

The National Association for Interpretation is offering an interpretive guide course for people who will be delivering programs at interpretive sites. This course includes: history, definition, and principles of interpretation; making your programs purposeful, enjoyable, relevant, organized, and thematic; presentation and communication skills; certification requirements; and all materials and workbook.   Fee charged.

To register and for more information, visit www.interpnet.com/certification, or contact course instructor, Bob Carter, at bob@interpworld.com or 815-238-7930.

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Leopold Bench Building Workshop
Saturday, September 24; 10:00 a.m.-noon
Adults or Families

When the famed conservationist and father of the modern environmental movement Aldo Leopold wanted a place to sit down, he built himself a simple bench with timeless appeal. Join us to make your very own Leopold Bench - the perfect addition to any yard, garden, porch, or trail! The Central Illinois Woodworkers Club has created pre-cut bench kits for assembly by individuals and families.

No carpentry skills are needed. The benches are 48” long and are made of treated yellow pine. All participants will also receive a copy of Aldo Leopold’s classic, A Sand County Almanac.
Fee charged with discounts for members. One kit per family please.

Registration and pre-payment required by September 19th.

[Rachael Kramp, Environmental Support Specialist]



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