The Soaring Eagle Award is the highest honor given by LPRT to
recognize National Association of Health Underwriters members who
have achieved the greatest success in demonstrating exceptional
professional knowledge and outstanding client service.
Mr. Garrett has many years of experience as a business owner,
successful entrepreneur and insurance producer. He guides his
agency in responding to and satisfying the needs of agents and
their customers. He has served on advisory boards of BCBS of
Illinois and other major insurance companies. He has been an
LPRT qualifier for 19 succeeding years.
Garrett exemplifies the qualities that make health insurance
agents and brokers such important resources and advocates for
American consumers. He has worked tirelessly on behalf of
countless clients to ensure they have the insurance coverage
they need.
The National Association of Health Underwriters represents 100,000 professional
health insurance agents and brokers who provide insurance for millions of
Americans. NAHU is headquartered in Washington, DC.
[Shelly Allen
R.W. Garrett Agency, Inc.