Elijah Pollice led the seventh grade team to a 43-7 victory
with 12 points, six steals, and two assists. Brody Whiteman put
up 7 points, eight rebounds, and three steals. Scotty Battin
added 6 points, three rebounds, and three steals. Daulton Miller
contributed 5 points and five rebounds. Jacob Langley followed
up with 4 points and four rebounds. The Wolverines advanced
their record to 10-0.
The eighth-graders fell to Little Flower in overtime with a
score of 51-52. Patrick McCraith carried the team with 21
points, six rebounds, and five assists. Daulton Miller followed
up with 10 points and eight rebounds. Elijah Pollice added 9
points, three rebounds, three assists, and four steals. Lucas
Konczyk contributed 6 points, two rebounds, and two assists.
The Wolverines travel across town to take on the CEL Panthers at
6 p.m. on Tuesday.
[Tiffany Battin]