Union-backed bill
Rauner says would cost taxpayers billions is resurrected
Written By: Cole Lauterbach, February
16, 2016
A union-backed bill Governor Rauner vetoed
last fall saying it would cost taxpayers billions has been resurrected
by Democrats in the General Assembly.
House Bill 580 is similar to Senate Bill 1229 that failed to overcome Rauner’s
veto by only a few House votes. If passed, it would treat the members of the
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31 like law
enforcement or firefighters in that they would not be off the job in the event
of an impasse in contract negotiations.
Instead of a strike or lockout, negotiations would be handed over to an
arbitrator to rule in favor of one side.
Rauner in a release called the bill “a second bite at the failed attempt to pass
SB 1229 last fall.”
He called last year’s bill the worst he had ever seen.

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 The bill’s sponsor Representative Mike Smiddy tells INN the
ultimate goal is to avoid a strike or lockout.
Glen Carbon Republican Dwight Kay says this bill takes the taxpayer
out of the negotiation.
AFSCME workers have been without a contract since July 1, but have
continued on good-faith tolling agreements struck with the governor.
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