Logan County Relay for Life to hold
wrap-up meeting July 25th
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[July 16, 2016]
- The Relay for Life of Logan County thus far has over $55,000 (and
counting) in gifts support toward reaching a goal of $65,000 for the
2016 campaign that was held on Lincoln College June 18th. Gifts can
still be given until the end of the campaign August 31st.
On Monday, July 25th, at 6:00 p.m. at Lincoln Christian Church,
all team leaders, program and event leaders of RFL of Logan Co. will
have their Wrap Up meeting, sharing experiences, suggestions for
changes and hearing the final results of the program. There were 28
teams, 32 sponsors, 17 In-Kind sponsors made this year;s event
possible and successful. There were 253 participants who walked the
track, led and supported the program. This year 758 luminaria lifted
up the memory of or the celebration of lives touched by cancer.
Congratulations and thanks go to citizens of Logan County for
caring, for helping make research and new treatment incentives for
that cure we strive to make come a little closer to a reality.
[Tonita Reifsteck] |
