Honor Roll
West Lincoln-Broadwell recognizes students in eighth grade who have
very good and/or outstanding academic achievement for the 2015-2016
school year.
Honors are earned by students who have A's and B's on their report
cards throughout the year. They will receive a certificate and a
John Bius
Alex Bogdanic
Joe Dalpoas
Chrissy Edwards
Payton Lanning
Brooke Montcalm
Leah Schneider
Adrienne Tiffany
Trevor Viner
Kameron Whiteman
High Honors
High Honors are earned by students who have maintained straight A's
on their report cards. They will receive a certificate, a pin and an
honor cord.
Kaden Froebe
Madelyn Koehler
Justin Long

I.E.S.A. Scholar Attitude
The students selected for our Scholar Attitude Award represent the
finest junior high school students in the state of Illinois.
Students are nominated based on their excellence in academics and
for outstanding participation in school and community activities.
This year's IESA Scholar Attitude Nominee is Kaden Froebe
President's Awards Educational Achievement
The purpose of this award is to recognize students that show
outstanding educational growth, improvement, commitment or
intellectual development in their academic subjects, but do not meet
the criteria for the President's Award for Educational Excellence.
This award should not be compared to the Educational Excellence or
seen as a second tier award, for it recognizes a very different type
of academic achievement. It is meant to encourage and reward
students who work hard and give their best efforts in school, often
in the face of obstacles to their learning.
The winners of the President's Award for Educational Achievement
John Bius
Chrissy Edwards
President's Award for Educational Excellence
The purpose of this award is to recognize academic success in the

Grade Point Average -cumulative - 93 on 100
point scale
School Criteria/Standards - Standards for the
award are to be established by the school that reflects a 93
percent of higher on the traditional grading scale.
In addition to A or B, schools are to include
one or more of the following criteria to determine select
Standardized Achievement Test - Achievement
i n the 90th percentile in math or reading on the Illinois
Standard Achievement Test is required, OR
Recommendation from a teacher plus one other
staff member. One recommendation is to reflect outstanding
achievement i n one or more areas such as English, Math,
Science, History, Geography. Art, and other courses that
reflect a school's core curriculum.
(See list of awardees in next column)
[to top of second column] |

The winners of the President's Award for Educational Excellence are:
Alex Bogdanic
Joe Dalpoas
Kaden Froebe
Madelyn Koehler
Payton Lanning
Justin Long
Brooke Montcalm
Dreyden Pozsgai
Leah Schneider
Adrienne Tiffany
Trevor Viner
Kameron Whiteman
Perfect Attendance
The following students have earned Perfect Attendance for the 2013 -
2014 school year
Madelyn Koehler
Payton Lanning
American Legion Award
Payton Lanning
Abraham Lincoln DAR American History Award
Madelyn Koehler
Justin Long
WL-B PTO Scholarship Award
Kaden Froebe
Payton Lanning

Megan Kissel Memorial Shining Star Award
Payton Lanning
Adrienne Tiffany
Student Council Recognition
Justin Long
Kaden Froebe
Dreyden Pozsgai
Kameron Whiteman
Art Club Recognition
Payton Anderson
Adrienne Tiffany
Music Awards
Choir Participation
Kristina Morrow
Trevor Viner
Band Participation
Payton Lanning
Raistlin Bottrall
Illinois Music Educators Association Award
Payton Lanning
Social Studies
Payton Lanning
Leah Schrader
English Award
Madelyn Koehler
Math Award
Justin Long
Science Award
Madelyn Koehler
Physical Education
Madelyn Koehler
Trevor Viner