There is an amusing story from General Stonewall
Jackson's famous valley campaign. Jackson's army
found itself on one side of a river when it really
needed to be on the other side. After telling his
engineers to plan and build a bridge so the army
could cross, Jackson called in his wagon master
telling him that it was urgent that the wagon train
cross the river as soon as possible. After leaving
the generals quarters the wagon master started
gathering all of the logs, rocks, and fence rails
that he could find and imediately
built a bridge across the river.
Long before daylight, General Jackson was shocked to
receive word that his wagon master had the entire
wagon train and artillery on the other side of the
river. They had all crossed over. General Jackson
asked where the engineers were and what they were
doing. The wagon master's only reply was that they
were still in their tent drawing up plans for a
The old saying comes to mind: "When all is said and
done . . . there is more said than done." Just as
only talking about a problem or an obstacle does not
resolve it, neither does only talking about faith
change or resolve anything. We need to see action.
Throughout scripture, it appears the Lord expects us
to put our faith into action. The book of James is
this kind of book —a Christian handbook if you
will—describing how our faith becomes evident to the
world through our actions. We are going to spend the
summer looking closely at this amazing book during
our Sunday morning sermons.
Jesus warns against those who would simply say, "Go
and be blessed," while not supplying the person's
present physical need. He asked, "What good does
that kind of faith accomplish?" People around us
should know that we are followers of Christ not just
because we tell them we are, but by our consistent
demonstration of God's love for others through our
everyday actions. We must be doers of the Word and
not hearers only.

Most of us are aware of the phrase, “You talk the
talk, but can you walk the walk?” Now, do not get me
wrong here, words are incredibly important. Never
underestimate the power of words:
-A judge speaks and a man is either released or
-A physician speaks and a person either undergoes
surgery or goes home.
-A government official speaks and millions of
dollars are spent or withheld.
-A preacher speaks and an individual can move from
death to life.
Words are powerful. Words can bless us and words can
hurt us. At times words can even cut us in half.
However, there is another old saying we know well,
“Actions speak louder than words.” Another way to
say it is, do something besides just talk about it.
That comes pretty close to summing up the book of
Starting in June, we will be looking at this book
verse by verse. There was much to teach the new
followers of Jesus 2,000 years ago and there is
still a great deal for us to learn today. Talk is
Actions speak louder than words. You talk the talk,
but can you walk the walk. Buckle up, we are about
to put our money where our mouth is.
[Ron Otto, Lincoln Christian Church Preaching