WHAT: Personal Injury Crash
WHERE: I-55 northbound on-ramp at interchange 126 (Logan County)
WHEN: 06/19/16 - 7:23 P.M.
VEHICLE: Unit 1: Black 2004 Harley Davidson Motorcycle
DRIVER: Unit 1: Rodney Alberts - 63 year old male, Lincoln, IL
PASSENGER: Unit 1: Jill Alberts – 60 year old female, Lincoln, IL
PRELIMINARY: Unit 1 had been traveling north on the I-55 on-ramp at
interchange 126. For unknown reasons, unit 1 went off the right side
of the ramp and down a grass embankment. Both occupants were ejected
from the motorcycle. The driver was transported to St. John’s
Hospital in Springfield with moderate injuries. The passenger was
transported to St. John’s Hospital by helicopter with serious
CHARGES: Improper lane usage and other charges pending investigation
[Rick Price, Illinois State Police]
