Military Order of the Purple Heart Scholarship application available

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[June 28, 2016]  LINCOLN - The Military Order of the Purple Heart Hayes-Krell Chapter 159 and the Ladies Auxiliary MOPH is now accepting applications for a $500 scholarship. Applications must be received by July 15, 2016.

To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must be:

A Purple Heart recipient who is a Member of the MOPH

The spouse of a Purple Heart recipient who is a Member of MOPH, or

The direct lineal descendent (child, step-child, adopted child, grandchild, or step-grandchild) of a Purple Heart recipient who is a Member of MOPH, or

The spouse, widow/widower, or direct lineal descendent of a service member killed –in-action or who died of wounds. If the Purple Heart Recipient is listed as killed-in-action or died of wounds, supporting documentation and evidence must be included with the application.

A Purple Heart recipient who is not a member of the MOPH can become a member by calling Melanie Schaler 217-871-8254 for an application. Then the member or his/or family member may make application for the scholarship.

Additionally in order to be eligible to receive a MOPH Scholarship, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

A graduate or upcoming graduate (current senior) of a high school or GED program, and

Accepted by or enrolled as a FULL-TIME undergraduate student at an accredited U. S. college, university, or trade school at the time the scholarship is awarded, and

Able to demonstrate the capacity for advanced academic achievement or technical proficiency, as demonstrated by maintaining at least a 2.75 cumulative grade point average (GPA) on an un-weighted 4.0 grading system.

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With the application, those entering are required to submit two letters of recommendation and resume that lists all extracurricular activities and honors, community and /or military service, employment experience, describing each activity in detail to include the number of hours the applicant spends per week/month on each activity.

The applicant will also write a 200 to 300-word essay on the following topic:

On September 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda affiliates attacked the Unites States, and our country responded by going to war against terrorism. Describe the feelings you have about the young men and women who have chosen to fight this war.

Click here for the official guidelines and application

Address questions regarding membership or the scholarship to Melanie Schaler, MOPH, at 217-871-8254.

[Melanie Schaler]


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