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800 Memorial Park Rd, Lincoln

Easter Services

9:30 am — LifeStage Connection Groups
10:30 am — Morning Worship Service (Our annual Egg Hunt will take place during this time in Children’s Church)

6:00 pm — Evening Worship Service (Communion during the service)

7th & Maple Streets; Lincoln
Rev. Ken D. Kramer, Pastor

7:00 p.m. Every Wednesday Lenten Study
March 9 “An Interview with Dismas”
March 16 “An Interview with Simon of Cyrene”

PALM SUNDAY, March 20 10:30 a.m.

Children will process with Palm Branches
Message: “Is it a Parade or a Protest March?”

MAUNDY THURSDAY – March 24 7:00 p.m. (reader’s theater)
Worship with Last Supper meal as was done in Upper Room
Message: “The Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ according to St. John”

GOOD FRIDAY March 25 7:00 p.m.
Celebrating the Office of Tennebrae
Message: “Do Not Be Deceived”
(Seven last words of Christ will be read, candles being extinguished symbolizing
Jesus’ death.)

EASTER: March 27
8:00 a.m. Sunrise Service in Sanctuary

Message: “What The Resurrection is Not”
9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Easter Breakfast
10:30 a.m. Easter Celebration Worship with communion
Message: “On a Dead Run?”

Public welcome to opportunities for worship, study and observances!
St. John U.C.C. practices Open Communion.

113 S. Gillett St., Elkhart


Good Friday, March 25 -
The Elkhart Christian Church will be presenting “The Living Last Supper”, a live recreation of Leonardo Di Vinci’s Last Supper portrait, on Good Friday evening, March 25th, 2016 at 6pm. The presentation includes a full menu dinner and dessert, music and drama presentations, and the live re-enactment of the famous Di Vinci portrait. As the portrait is being staged, each character shares the story behind how he met Jesus and became one of His closest companions, and offers insight into the personal struggle in his heart and mind after Jesus accusation that one of the 12 apostles would betray him, and serve Him up to be crucified. This promises to be a very moving and inspirational experience for anyone who sees it. Everyone is invited to come and share in this enjoyable evening with us.

The entire evening’s activities are FREE to all, but since space is limited, reservations are requested by March 23rd. This can be done by phone at (217) 947–2726; by emailing; or through our website at

The presentation will be held at the Elkhart Christian Church Fellowship and Community Center, 206 S Gillett St. Elkhart, IL. 62634 (The former Elkhart Grade School). Child care will be available.

Easter Sunday, March 27 –
Join us for Resurrection Celebration at 9:30am in the church sanctuary. This celebration of the risen Savior will include praise music, the ECC choir, drama and communion.



302 Broadway St., Lincoln

Maundy Thursday – March 24, 2016 - Gym
6:30 p.m. – Potluck
Followed by Maundy Thursday Service – Gym

Easter Worship Service – March 27, 2016
9:00 a.m. – Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
10:30 a.m. – Country Casual Worship in Gym

1409 Pulaski Street, across from the

High School parking lot.

Lenten and Easter services

All the Lenten services are at 7PM. The theme "How to be a disciple" as heard through voices of various characters starts Wednesday, February 17th and continue the 24th, March 2, 9, and the 16th.
Palm Sunday Service is 9AM, March 20
Maundy Thursday the 24th at 7PM
Good Friday Service at 7PM the 25th
Easter Sunday Services at 6:30AM and 9AM


204 N. McLean St.

Holy Week Opportunities to sing!

1. Sing with the Sanctuary Choir as we prepare for The Service of Shadows – a very special service during Holy Week on Thursday night, March 24. The Service of Shadows is a journey as Jesus meets with His disciples in the upper room and on to the garden of Gethsemane to prepare to go to the cross. It is a very special heart preparation service filled with moving music and gripping video images and this year will include a traditional Jewish Seder meal for the whole family. We will begin the music for The Shadow of the Cross on Wed, Feb. 3 at 6:30 p.m. Questions? Call Lincoln Christian Church Worship Minister, Lauren Hill at 732-7618.

2. Easter Worship Choir for our combined Easter Sunday morning worship services (two services this year; times TBA, but we’ll still get you out in plenty of time to get to grandma’s house!) at the LCU Chapel. There are a couple of rehearsals on Sunday afternoons in March to choose from—you only need to come to one. Watch for more details.



1700 N. Jefferson St., Lincoln

Join us Easter Sunday, March 27th. Resurrection Sunday worship times are 9:00am & 10:45 am. Michael Mallick will be preaching and childcare will be offered for nursery through 3 years old.


114 North Washington

Easter Services

Traditional worship 8:30 in the Sanctuary.

Contemporary worship 10:45 in the Family Life Center (115 North Lafayette).


402 Pekin St., Lincoln

March 24 - Maundy Thursday Service at 7 pm Vigil w/ the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel - 8 pm to Friday noon

March 25 - Good Friday Services 12:15 pm (principal) and 7 pm (alternate)

March 26 - Holy Saturday Service 12 pm

Easter Vigil 8 pm

March 27 - Easter Sunday Service 9:45 am


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