Fry for Missions
Jose United Methodist Church
South First St., San Jose
March 18
4 to 7
On the menu for the evening will be fried Catfish, hashbrown
casserole, coleslaw, baked beans, dessert and a beverage. For those
who wish, the fish may be substituted with chicken strips.
Tickets will be available at the door with a discount price for
children ages four to 12 and kids under four will eat free.
The dollars raised will go to support the church's children and
youth ministries including camping scholarships, the Bible Zone
after school program and Vacation Bible School.
TUA-Y-C-EBF coming March 19!
Lincoln Christian Church
204 N. McLean St.
Mark your calendar - The Ultimate
All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast Fundraiser is
March 19! All proceeds benefit Good News
students at Lincoln Christian Church as
we raise funds for our annual ministry
tour in June.
The TUA-Y-C-EBF menu includes: pancakes,
scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage,
biscuits, gravy, and fried potatoes.
Carry-out is available (but not if you
have eaten-in.) Get your tickets from
any Good News student or in the church
office from February 21 to March 13.
Each student has tour fees to
participate in Good News. All proceeds
from tickets purchased from a Good News
student will go directly to that
student’s tour fee. Any tickets sold in
the church office or at the door will go
to help support additional tour
expenses. Tell a friend or two or ten or
twenty! Good News appreciates your
continued support of our ministry as we
prepare to take the Good News of Jesus
on tour to Orlando, Florida.
Lincoln Christian Church
204 N. McLean St.
KIDS WORSHIP — Rescue 911
March 2016
Grab your gear and get ready to EXPLORE
what the Bible says about salvation!
We’ll join up with some other explorers
like Saul and Nicodemus who found out
about Jesus’ gift of Eternal Life! Each
Sunday, we will explore the Bible in a
variety of ways; skits, videos,
experiments, object lessons, snacks, and
more! Our key verse for March is, “For
God loved the world so much that He gave
His only Son. God gave His Son so that
believes in Him may not be lost, but
have Eternal Life.” John 3:16 Plan now
to join us in finding out about this
great gift!
Moms and Dads, here’s what we will be
exploring if you want to talk about it
with your kids at home:
• Jesus Saves the Criminal on the
Cross—Luke 23:32-43. Jesus is the only
way to heaven.
• Saul’s Conversion on the Road to
Damascus—Acts 9:1-19. We receive
forgiveness through Jesus.
• Nicodemus Learns About Eternal
Life—John 3:1-17. God wants to give us
Eternal Life

Our kids are now working to help Pioneer
Bible Translators translate Bibles in
Guinea, West Africa. See our preschool
children pictured here with the victory
trophy, representing their
accomplishment of translating the first
verse. Each verse costs about $38 to
translate! AND our kids are well on
their way to translating another verse!
As each verse is translated, we will add
it to the Bible page on the wall that is
pictured! Please pray for our kids and
encourage them in accomplishing this
awesome task!
Seder Meal & Service of Shadows at
Lincoln Christian Church
204 N. McLean St.
Thursday, March 24
Join us for this very special evening as
we experience the Jewish Passover meal
that Jesus celebrated in the upper room
with His disciples, where Jesus
instituted the communion service that we
share each week. We will learn the
history of the Seder meal and taste the
various foods that are symbolic
reminders to the Jewish people of the
deliverance by God as He brought the
Israelites out of Egyptian slavery. The
Sanctuary Choir will help to set the
festive and anticipatory mood with music
accompanied by scripture and powerful
images on video.
There is limited seating for this family
experience. We have room for 302 people.
200 people will be reclining at low
tables just as Jesus would have reclined
with His disciples at the Last Supper.
Bring a cushion to sit on! There are 100
seats at regular tables and chairs for
those who cannot sit on the floor.
Because of the limited seating, pick up
free tickets at the Welcome Center. The
service is at 7:00 and will be under an
hour. If we run out of tickets, we will
add another service at 5:00 p.m.
This very special service will help to
prepare your heart for Good Friday and
Resurrection Sunday on Easter! You do
not want to miss this!
Faith Assembly
1225 Nicholson Road, Lincoln
Saturday, March 26 at 1pm you are
specially invited to our 2nd annual
Easter Egg Hunt! Fun for the whole
family! Age specific hunt zones for
children 0-12 years old. Lots of eggs
filled with candy. Egg including
non-candy prizes. A raffle for
additional prizes. A visit from the
Easter Bunny. A photo booth for fun
photos. Faith Assembly, 1225 Nicholson
Road in Lincoln. For additional event
details and updates find us on Faith
Assembly’s Facebook page.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
1140 N. State Street in Lincoln
1st Sunday of the month
to 1pm
2016 Prophetic Conference
Nicholson Rd., Lincoln
April 3rd, 10:30am and 6:30pm, Monday, April 4th thru Wednesday,
April 6
at 6:30pm.
They will be
hosting Hawaiian evangelists John & Meleana Harke. Pastors Darren &
Kami Palmer invite you to come and be touched by the presence of the
Lord. Everyone is welcome! Nursery ages 0-3 available.