What is Easter to a child?
By Pastor Steve Blaum - Cumberland
Presbyterian Church
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[March 22, 2016]
must be sure to get the story straight! Church educators may assume
that the annual repetition of the story of Jesus has informed
worshippers well on the various details. This is most true of the
great stories of Christmas and Easter. However, we must remember
that the children are listening.
A Sunday School teacher asked her elementary aged
students to tell her the story of Easter. Little David said, "Easter
is when we put masks on and go door to door saying trick or treat
and we get candy."
"I'm sorry," the teacher said, "That is Halloween."
The next student, Billie said," Easter is when we put a tree in the
house and cover it with pretty lights and when we get up in the
morning we get presents!"
The teacher gently corrected him saying, "No Billie; that is
The third student, Nancy said, "Easter is when they killed Jesus on
a cross and buried him in a hole in the ground and three days later
He came up from the dead!"
 The teacher praised Nancy's answer. "You have been listening well to
your Sunday School lessons!"
Nancy responded, "But that's not all to the story. If Jesus sees his
shadow he goes back in the ground for six more weeks of winter!”
We must be sure we are telling the whole story clearly and
accurately. The children are listening!
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
110 Broadway, Lincoln, IL
(217) 732-7568
[to top of second column] |
 Announcements: We invite all
to a very special communion service on Maundy Thursday evening of
Holy Week at 6 p.m. Twelve at a time will come to the table as if it
were the actual last supper. Then, after an intimate re-enactment of
the events that occurred on that fateful night long ago followed by
a shared communion, those 12 are asked to depart the sanctuary
quietly to their homes with a renewed anticipation for Resurrection
Morning and the next 12 will come.
On Easter, we will hold a sunrise service at 7 a.m. followed by a
great breakfast at 8 o’clock. The public is always welcome to all
that we do. The Lord invites whosoever will to come!
We are the Cumberland Presbyterian Church located at 110 Broadway
St., Lincoln, IL. (217) 732-7568