Directed by Deon Taylor, the movie follows the Black family
as they leave Chicago to move to Beverly Hills. However
according to the film's synopsis, they "couldn't have picked a
worse time to move. They arrive right around the time of the
annual purge, when all crime is legal for 12 hours".
"Meet the Blacks", which also stars Zulay Henao and Mike Tyson,
takes ample aim at spoofing racial stereotypes.
"Funny is funny, if you can make light of anything, that's what
life is about to me," Epps said, explaining that the film's aim
is to expose racism as ignorant by laughing at it.
"You have to make light of everything no matter what is bad out
here, if you can't laugh at it, it's going to kill you."
"Meet the Blacks" hits U.S. cinemas on April 1.
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