Logan County FSA Updates

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[May 07, 2016]    ARC/PLC SIGN UP ONGOING - 2016 ARC/PLC program year signup is still going on. Farmers are encouraged to visit or contact the office to enroll. If a farm is not enrolled during the 2016 enrollment period, producers on that farm will not be eligible for financial assistance from the ARC or PLC programs should crop prices or farm revenues fall below the historical price or revenue benchmarks established by the program.

The office will also be reviewing your eligibility files and any farm record changes that need attention. Our goal is to have the 2016 Enrollment completed before spring planting occurs.


Similar to the 2014 and 2015 enrollment, if your cash-rent landowners haven’t changed from the previous year, you will not need to get new signatures.

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Reminders

The following regulations are applicable to ALL CRP contracts:

  • do not plant an unauthorized crop such as an agricultural commodity on CRP acreage;
  • do not disturb the acreage during the primary nesting and brood-rearing season for wildlife. In Illinois, this is April 15 through August 1. This also is the period when mowing is not allowed;
  • do not hay or graze CRP acreage;
  • do not use the CRP area as a road, nor park, store or dump items on CRP acreage. This includes old vehicles, equipment, trash and manure;
  • do perform periodic management and maintenance activities as described in the conservation plan of operation. These activities include the control of pests, noxious weeds, and other undesirable vegetative growth (thorn trees, briars, etc);
  • do notify FSA immediately should control or shares of CRP contracts change. This could be the result of a land sale, death of participant, or change in ownership structure, such as from an individual to a trust.

USDA to Provide Agricultural Credit Training, Expand Opportunities for Farmer Veterans and Beginning Farmers

USDA announced a partnership with the Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC) to conduct agricultural credit training sessions in the Midwest for military veterans and beginning farmers and ranchers. States under consideration to host the workshops include Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Nebraska.

These workshops will provide individuals interested in farming as a career, including military veterans, with methods to improve business planning and financial skills, and improve understanding of the risk management tools that can help small farm operations.

Other partners include Niman Ranch a community network of more than 700 independent family farmers and ranchers, and the Farm Credit Council and the Farm Credit System, which provides loans, leases and financial services to farmers, ranchers and rural businesses across the United States. The workshops will also include assistance with credit applications and introductions to local or regional food markets.

To learn more about veterans in agriculture, visit www.usda.gov/veterans.  Visit www.fsa.usda.gov/ farmloans  or your local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office to learn more about FSA's farm loan programs. To find your local FSA office, visit http://offices.usda.gov. More information also is available from the Farmer Veteran Coalition at www.farmvetco.org.

[to top of second column]

Dates to Remember

  • April 15 - Primary Nesting Season begins - CRP acres cannot be mowed
  • May 30 - Office closed in observance of Memorial Day
  • May 31 - Final availability date for feed grains, soybeans, and minor oil seed loans
  • June 20 - Final date to timely file prevented planting for corn acres
  • July 4 - Office closed in observance of Independence Day
  • July 6  - Final date to timely file prevented planting for soybean acres 
  • July 15 - Final date to report spring seeded crops
  • Aug 1 - Final date to enroll into the 2016 ARC/PLC program


Please contact, John Peters, County Executive Director, at 217-735-5508 ext 2, john.peters@il.usda.gov  or for Farm Loans, please contact Tony Schmillen, Farm Loan Manager, at 217-735-5508 ext 2, tony.schmillen@il.usda.gov


USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay), (866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).

Logan County USDA
1650 5th Street
Lincoln, IL, 62656
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Phone: 217-735-5508 ext. 2
Fax: 855-693-7125

County Committee:
Dennis Ramlow - Chairman
Tim Southerlan - Vice Chairman
Kenton Stoll - Member
Dorothy Gleason - Advisor

County Executive Director:
John Peters

Program Technicians:
Ann Curry
Tammy Edwards
Mari Anne Komnick
Cindy Mayfield
Chelsie Peddicord

Farm Loan Manager:
Tony Schmillen

Next COC Meeting : May 25th


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