"Wake up America" voices heard across the nation to change a nation

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[May 09, 2016]   LINCOLN - On a beautiful, cool and breezy day, Atlanta and Lincoln believers in God collectively and publicly prayed in the center of town for our communities and our country.

The first Thursday in the month of May is designated as the National Day of Prayer with 2016 being the 65th annual observation.

At 10 a.m. in Atlanta

As the historic tower clock struck 10 and the ladies of the Atlanta Community Bible Study began the service held on the lawn of the Atlanta Public Library. This was the first year the ladies conducted the service.

One by one different women read various scriptures, some from the Old Testament and some from the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

The topics and scriptures were coordinated for nationwide uniformity. For you to also join in this effort, an abbreviated list of topics and scripture references can be found at the bottom of this article. You will also find a list of government leader names.

At the close of the Atlanta service everyone joined in facing the American flag and with song sheet in hand sang 'America the Beautiful.'

Everyone was then invited to join in free coffee and tea across the street at the Palms Grill.

At noon in Lincoln

Once again, attendees were seated in the center of the Logan County Courthouse rotunda with chairs arranged over the county seal in mosaic.

As the courthouse clock struck 12 and the Lincoln College carillon began playing a hymn, prayer team member Ken Benham welcomed everyone and then introduced Dr. Paul Boatman. Dr. Boatman launched the service inviting all to recite the National Prayer written for this day by Honorary Chairman Dr. Tony Evans.

In sequence, local ministers then led topical prayers. Pastor Greg Wooten, Church of the Nazarene led the Government and Military prayer. For the Salvation Army, Pastor Tony Shuff led in prayer for media and popular culture. Pastor Michael Mallick from Jefferson Street Christian Church covered the business and economy segments. Reverend Mark Evans of Trinity Episcopal Church took schools and education. Churches and families were facilitated by Pastor Larry Crawford of Open Arms Christian Fellowship.

Pastor Darren Palmer of Faith Assembly led in closing with the Lord's Prayer, which was followed by singing "God Bless America."

"If we ever forget that we are 'One nation under God,' then we will be a nation gone under."
- President Ronald Reagan

The mission of the National Day of Prayer Taskforce is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture.

Prayer was specifically steered by the following topics with supporting scriptures at both the Atlanta and Lincoln events.

Federal - State - County - Municipal elected and appointed leaders
1 Kings 3:28; 1 Timothy 2:1-2; Proverbs 11:3; Romans 13:1-2.

Leadership - 2 Chronicles 32:6-8; Courage - Psalm 9 Perseverance - Isaiah 43:2, Deuteronomy 31:6 Protection - Romans 13:1
Confidence and vision - Ps. 18:31-39
Military families - Rob.:1:8-10
Chaplains - Prov. 4:11

Whatever is true, noble and right - Philippians 4:8 Family friendly projects - Proverbs 8:10-11
Creative ideas grounded in kingdom principals for public - Proverbs 2:1-15
Celebrity salvation messages - Proverbs 8:35

Exodus 31:3-4
Integrity - 1 Chronicles 29 -17
Aid economy where needed - Ps. 132:15
Christ-like behaviors in the workplace - Phil. 2:3

Prov. 2:3-6
Christian truths and ethics - Ps. 1:1-2
Safety - Exod. 18:20-21
Equality - Phil. 1:9

Colossians 2:6-8
Zeal and purpose of Jesus Christ - Matt 22:37
Unity - John 17:23
Absolutes - Ps. 1:1-3
Integrity - 1 Peter 2:11, 1 Cor. 13:6
Holy fear - Prov. 9:10

Mark 3:25
Unity and love - Rom. 12:9-13
Relationships - Malachi 4:5-6
Values that serve nation - Job 22:21-22
Train children - Prov. 22:6

You are invited to pray individually and personally for these leaders:

Federal government leaders
President-Barack Obama
Vice President-Joe Biden
Presidential candidates-Donald Trump,Ted Cruz, John Kasich,Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders
Secretary of State-John Kerry
Secretary of Defense-Ashton Carter
Secretary of Treasury-Jack Lew
Attorney General- Loretta E. Lynch
Secretary of Interior-Sally Jewell
Secretary of Agriculture-Thomas J. Vilsack Secretary of Commerce- Penny Pritzker
Secretary of Labor-Thomas Perez
Secretary of Health and Human Services-Sylvia Mathews Burwell
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development-Julian Castro
Secretary of Transportation-Anthony Foxx
Secretary of Energy-Ernest Moniz
Secretary of Education-John King
Secretary of Veteran Affairs-Robert McDonald Secretary of Homeland Security-Jeh Johnson

Supreme Court Justices

John G. Roberts,Jr. -- Chief Justice
Anthony Kennedy
Clarence Thomas
Ruth Bader Gin burg
Stephen G. Breyer
Samuel Anthony Alita,Jr.
Sonia Sotomayor
Elena Kagan

Congressional Leaders

Senate President Pro Tempore- Orrin Hatch Majority leader-Mitch McConnell
Majority whip-John Cornyn
Minority leader-Harry Reid
Minority whip-Richard Durbin
House Speaker- Paul D. Ryan
Majority leader-Kevin McCarthy
Majority whip-Steve Scalise
Minority leader- Nancy Pelosi
Minority whip-Steny Hoyer

State Of Illinois Government
Executive Branch

Governor - Bruce Rauner

Lieutenant Governor - Evelyn Sanguinetti

Secretary of State - Jesse White

Attorney General - Lisa Madigan

Comptroller - Leslie Geissler Munger

Treasurer - Michael W. Frerichs

[to top of second column]

Legislative Branch
Illinois State Senate
59 members

President of Senate - John Cullerton
Majority Leader -  James Clayborne

Illinois House of Representatives
118 members

House Speaker - Michael Madigan
Majority Leader - Barbara Flynn Currie
Minority Leader - Jim Durkin

Illinois US Senators
Richard Durbin
Mark Kirk

State Senator - Bill Brady

State Representative - Tim Butler

Illinois US Representatives
Bobby Rush, Robin Kelly, Mike Quigley, Peter Roskam, Tammy Duckworth, Mike Bost, Rodney Davis, Adam Kinzinger, Cheri Bustos, Daniel Lipinski, Danny Davis, Jan Schakowsky, Randy Hultgren, Darin LaHood

Judicial Branch

Illinois State Supreme Court
Chief Justice Rita 8. Garman

Anne M. Burke, Charles E. Freeman, Thomas L. Kilbride, Lloyd A. Karmeier, Robert R. Thomas, Mary Jane Theis

Illinois Appellate Court
4th District

Thomas R. Appleton ,James A. Knecht, John W. Turner, Thomas M. Harris, Jr.,
M. Carol Pope, Lisa Holder White,
Robert J. Steigmann

Logan County Judiciary

Associate Circuit Court - Judge Thomas Funk Associate Circuit Court - Judge William G. Workman

Logan County Board Members:

Rick Aylesworth, Kevin Bateman, Dave Blankenship, Miles Craig, Emily Davenport, Bob Farmer, David Hepler, Pat O'Neill, Gene Rohlfs, Chuck Ruben, Scott Schaffenacker and Adam Schmidt.

Atlanta City Government

Mayor - Fred Finchum

City Clerk - Kenneth Martin

City Treasurer - Vicki Martin

City Secretary - Kelly Embery

City Attorney - Blinn Bates

Chief of Police - James Pinney

Fire Chief - Ric Cheek

First Ward Aldermen - Amber Finchum

Second Ward Aldermen
Adam McVey
Matthew Clemmons

Third Ward Aldermen
Billie Cheek
Robert Polley

Lincoln City Government

Mayor Martha (Marty) Neitzel

City Administrator Clay Johnson

Treasurer Chuck Conzo

City Clerk Susan Gehlbach

City Attorney Blinn Bates

Police Chief Paul Adams

Fire Chief Mark Miller

Building and Safety Officer John Lebegue

Waste Treatment Manager Tim Ferguson

Street and Alley Superintendent Walt Landers


Ward 1
Steve Parrott
Tracy Welch

Ward 2
Michelle Bauer
Kathy Horn

Ward 3
Todd Mourning
Jonie Tibbs

Ward 4
Rick Hoefle
Jeff Hoinacki (Mayor Pro Tem)

Leaders of Education Olympia Schools

Superintendent - Dr. Andrew Wise

Assistant Superintendent - Joshua Olsen

Olympia High School - Ed Jodlowski

Olympia Middle School - Andrew Walsh

Olympia North Grade School - Benjamin Lee

Olympia South Grade School - Stacey Rogers

Olympia West Grade School - Matt Nordstrom

Olympia School Board Members

President - Kevin Frazier
Vice President - Carolyn Hansen
Secretary - Trena Glenn
Township Representatives
Lynn Cross
Steve Matter
Doug Maris
Shawn Hohulin

Please pray for all:

Teachers. Teachers' Aids,  Bus Drivers, Bus Drivers' Aids, Cooks, Custodians, Maintenance Personnel Ground Keepers, Mechanics

Pastors Of Atlanta Churches

Assembly of God - Paul Weber

Atlanta Christian Church - Doug Maris

Atlanta United Methodist Church - Mike Abel

Eminence Christian Church - Dr. L C Sutton

New Church - Darrell Stribling

St. Mary's Catholic Church
Head Priest Father Jeff Laible
Father John Pham
Father Simon Taabu

[Jan Youngquist]

Prayer to pray before an election

Lord Jesus, we ask Thee to guide the people of this nation as they exercise their dearly bought privilege of franchise. May it neither be ignored unthinkingly nor undertaken lightly.
As citizens all over this land go to the ballot boxes, give them a sense of high privilege and joyous responsibility.

Help those who are are about to be elected to public office to come to understand the real source of their mandate-a mandate given by no party machine, received at no polling booth, but given by God; a mandate to represent God and truth at the heart of the nation; a mandate to do good in the name of him under whom this country was established.

We ask Thee to lead our country in the paths where Thou wouldst have her walk, to do the tasks which Thou hast laid before her. So may we together seek happiness for all our citizens in the name of Him who created us all equal in His sight, and therefore brothers.

Peter Marshall


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