All of last week, the children were able to do special, out of the
ordinary things, such as wearing items that would not normally be
permitted for the donation of $1 per day. The days of the week were
themed such as hat day, where everyone could wear their favorite cap
or hat to school.
On Monday, after waiting for the children from Jefferson to walk to
Northwest, the group assembled and the Jefferson/Northwest Principal
Chris Allen addressed the kids about the fight against Cancer.
Mr. Allen thanked the kids from Jefferson for making the trek over
to Northwest and reminded them that next year, no one will have to
walk over because they will all already be here.
Allen introduced Ed Tibbits from Hope Grows Neighborhood Center, who
invited the kids to come to Ray White Park on Wednesday afternoon
for the Schools-Out Bash. He pointed out that there would be among
many other activities a dunk tank, and that some of the Jefferson
and Northwest teachers would be in the dunk tank. The children were
excited about that aspect, and several began calling out the names
of the teachers they wanted to dunk.

Allen returned to the microphone saying that they were assembled
today for a very special reason, to celebrate those who have beat
cancer and to honor those who have lost that battle.
He offered a big thank-you to Mrs. Tammy Dietrich, who each year
organizes the event for the schools. This is the third year of
holding Relay Recess at Northwest. He also thanked the survivors who
were there to walk with the kids.
Allen reminded the kids that one in three people will be diagnosed
with some type of cancer. He noted that meant that more than likely
everyone there knew someone who has fought or is still fighting this
disease, including members of the Northwest and Jefferson staff.
The theme on Monday was Butterflies. Allen said there would be a new
station for the relay, the “Hope Takes Flight” butterfly station.
Allen explained that at the station were drawings of butterflies and
crayons. Each child would be permitted to color a butterfly in any
way they wished. The butterflies will then go to the Logan County
Relay for Life event where they will be displayed for everyone to
[to top of second column] |

Allen then called forward the survivors in attendance. There was
four total, with three of them being school staff members. Each
survivor was given a flower by Mrs. Dietrich. Dietrich then gave the
kids a rundown of the various stations: Sun safety; Go, Slow, and No
Foods; Fitness, Butterfly Stories, a rest stop with water and
watermelon, and an anti-tobacco station located just inside the
school. The plan was for the children to spend 10-minute intervals
at each station, and in between stations complete laps around the
The four survivors were the first to do a lap around the playground.
As they neared completion of their lap, Mr. Allen led the children
in giving applause and cheers for the four. The morning was then
opened for kids to start taking their laps as well as visiting the
various stations.
Before they began walking, Mrs. Dietrich said, “During the relay,
you may get tired, but I want you to remember that cancer doesn’t
sleep, cancer doesn’t rest.” Referring to the various themes of the
past week she concluded, “We’re working hard to help fight Cancer,
we’re going to leave it in the sand, we’re going to put a cap on it,
we’re going to stamp it out. All the things we have done this week
making it part of history. You are going to work hard here today,
remembering that our four survivors here, and all the other
survivors you know, have worked really hard and had a hard time with
With that, the relay began. Children were divided into groups, and
some went to the various stations while others began making their
[Nila Smith]