The statewide average precipitation for October was 2.38
inches, 0.86 inches below normal. A few bands of 3 to 5 inches
of precipitation occurred across northern Illinois and along the
Interstate 70 corridor. Outside of those areas, October was
drier than normal. The site with the largest monthly rainfall
total was Palos Park, in Cook County, with 5.51 inches.
Illinois has experienced above-normal temperatures in 9 out of
the 10 months in 2016. As a result, this is the 4th warmest
January through October on record for Illinois at 58.0 degrees
and 2.5 degrees above normal. The warmest January–October was in
2012 with 59.1 degrees.
The statewide average precipitation for 2016 so far is 35.65
inches, 1.85 inches above normal. Other than the record wet
July–August, this year would have been drier than normal.
[Lisa Sheppard]
The Illinois State Water Survey at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, a division of the Prairie Research Institute, is
the primary agency in Illinois concerned with water and atmospheric