In fiscal year 2017, there is $3 million total available for
BCAP, half of which is for harvesting and delivering forest or
agricultural residues to a USDA-approved energy facility. BCAP
also provides financial assistance to farmers and ranchers who
establish and maintain new crops of biomass for energy or
biobased products; additional information on the resumption of
those funds will be announced at a later date.
Facilities seeking to be qualified by USDA to accept BCAP-funded
biomass can begin enrollment November 14 through December 5,
2016. Also, between January 9, 2017, through March 15, 2017,
USDA will accept applications from foresters and farmers seeking
incentives to remove biomass residues from fields or national
forests for delivery to energy generation facilities. The
retrieval payments are provided at match of $1 for $1, up to $20
per dry ton. Eligible crops include corn residue, orchard waste
or diseased or insect-infested wood materials.
To learn more about BCAP or to enroll in updates, visit or contact your local FSA county office.
To find your local county office, visit
[USDA Farm Service Agency]