4-H Members Observe National Celebration
National 4-H week, October 2 through 8

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[October 04, 2016]   4-H’ers in Logan County will join 6 million other youth currently in 4-H celebrating National 4-H Week Oct. 2-8.

4-H youth development programs provide hands-on learning activities for youth in Illinois and are assisted by more than 13,000 volunteer adult leaders. One out of every seven adults in the U.S. is a former 4-H member.

”4-H’ers learn by doing philosophy encourages youth to experiment, innovate, and think independently, said Carissa Akpore, University of Illinois Extension Youth Development Educator. “4-H grows confident kids who tackle issues that matter most in their communities.” Illinois 4-H members prepare for their future by studying careers related to their 4-H project. “They choose from more than 100 projects to study,” said Akpore. The topics range from rocketry, GPS, computer game design, and public speaking to photography, animal science, nutrition, and more.

Katlyn Helton, a 17 year old 4-H member of the Middletown 4-H’ers club says “As a 4-H Ambassador, I really learned how our community has a big need for kids with low self-esteem. I am currently working on a program to help kids who have trouble at school realize this is not a healthy path. I will be teaching high school teens to work with junior high students and hopefully create bonds with troubled students and bring them into a more positive life style.”

Katie Lynn, a 15 year old 4-H member of the Cloverdale 4-H club and participant in the 4-H Teen Teacher program for Ag in the Classroom and IL Junior Chef, states “Participating in the Teen Teacher program helped me become a better, more confident leader. It showed me how to set goals and accomplish them.”

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Molly Schempp, a 15 year old 4-H member of the Atlanta Ag 4-H club says “My 4-H public speaking project has taught me how to present a topic I love or have great knowledge for a group of strangers as well as friends; in a formal situation or simple conversation. It has helped me in school reports, essays, and even future job applications.”

4-H club membership is open to youth aged 8 – 18. Youth 5 to 7 years of age may join the 4-H Cloverbud program. To learn more about Logan County 4-H and enroll your child in a local club, contact the Logan County 4-H office at 732-8289.

[Patty Huffer
Extension Program Coordinator
University of Illinois Extension]

About 4-H: Illinois 4-H strives to help youth learn skills for living. University of Illinois Extension provides 4-H programs in every county in Illinois. Illinois 4-H aims to impact the lives of 200,000 youth each year through sustained learning clubs and groups and short-term programming.


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