5:43 a.m. – EMS
call to the 800 block of North Logan Street.
7:22 a.m. –
Assisting EMS in a call to the 900 block of North Jackson
11:07 a.m. –
Assisting EMS in a call to the 600 block of Woodlawn Road.
1:03 p.m. –
Assisting EMS in a call to the 1400 block of Woodlawn Road.
1:32 p.m. –
Assisting EMS in a call to the 500 block of South Monroe Street.
3:56 p.m. –
Assist invalid in the 800 block of Woodlawn Road.
6:04 p.m. –
Stat heart assist EMS in a call to the 800 block of Malerich