The facility is being built as a replacement for the nursing home
that has been on Fifth Street in a two-story building since 1972.
On Wednesday, St. Clara’s board member, Clyde Reynolds, was the
first to take the podium and speak to the group. Reynolds talked
briefly about the history of the St. Clara’s organization. He noted
that the facility began as a hospital in Lincoln in 1884, named St.
Clara’s Hospital, and under the ownership and management of the St.
Clara Sisters. The hospital answered an important need in the Logan
County community for several years, until the Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Hospital was built in the 1954 on Eighth Street in Lincoln.
After the new hospital opened, the Sisters realized that there was
not sufficient need for two hospitals in the community, so St.
Clara’s Hospital closed in 1962. A few years later, St. Clara’s Inc.
was formed and it was determined that the focus would be on
providing a care facility for the elderly. St. Clara’s Manor Nursing
Home then opened in 1972.

Reynolds said that transitioning to the new facility will be a
remarkable improvement for the St. Clara’s residents, offering new
services and new accommodations, while maintaining the same quality
staff, and loving care that residents are accustomed to.
Next up to speak was Lincoln Mayor Marty Neitzel. Neitzel said she
was very proud of the new facility that would be coming to Lincoln
through St. Clara’s. She said she was happy to say that Lincoln was
a caring community that offers great care for all its residents in
need of continual nursing care.
She noted that the project is being financed locally with the State
Bank of Lincoln and its affiliate, Heartland Bank in Bloomington
providing the loans that will make the construction possible.

She ended her comments noting that as a lifelong resident of
Lincoln, she had two sons. One was born in St. Clara’s Hospital and
the other at ALMH.

The third person to address the group was Ben Hart, President and
CEO of Heritage of Care, the management company that now works with
Castle Manor in Lincoln as well as St. Clara’s Manor.

Hart said that he too was excited about the new construction for all
that it would offer its residents. He noted one of the best
improvements would be that the new facility would be all on one
floor adding convenience for residents as well as staff. He said
that the new building was going to be designed with multiple common
spaces, and better therapy facilities.
[to top of second
column] |
 He noted also that the new facility will complete a “healthcare”
campus on the west side of town with Castle Manor as an assisted
living facility, St. Clara’s as a nursing care facility, and the
hospital as an urgent care facility.
He noted that Dolan Dalpoas was among the guests in the crowd
representing the ALMH. The also acknowledged State Bank of Lincoln
and Heartland Bank, noting this is perhaps the second largest
development that has been built in the city in recent years.
The last person to speak was Mike Eads, Administrator for St.
Clara’s Manor. He offered words of appreciation for those in
attendance, but also for all the community support. Word the new
facility was going to be built got around the community quite some
time ago. Since that time, Eads has heard from several that they are
happy about the new building, and support the project

Eads noted that for him, this was almost unbelievable, “If you had
told me 10 or 15 years ago I would be standing here, giving this
speech, I would never have believed it.”
When Eads finished, board members and other key members of this
project were invited to come take up a shovel for the ceremonial
turning of the soil. Those who participated included Steve
Aughenbaugh of State Bank of Lincoln, St. Clara’s board members Don
Peasley, Clyde Reynolds, Tonita Reifsteck; and Dr. Dennis Carroll,
Mike Eads and Ben Hart.
 After the groundbreaking guests were encouraged to go inside at
Castle Manor and enjoy cookies and punch.
The building project, which is estimated will cost in excess of $15
million, is expected to be completed in the early part of 2018. The
city of Lincoln is participating in this project, in that they voted
in August to permit St. Clara’s to use the city’s bond issuance
program for its loans through the State Bank of Lincoln. Lending its
name to the project does not obligate the city or Lincoln taxpayers
[Nila Smith]
Past related
City of Lincoln approves bond request for St. Clara’s
Part 1: City attorney seeks waiver of conflict of
Part 2: Aldermen discuss issuance of Senior Service
Industrial bond for St. Clara’s
Part 3: Lincoln aldermen vote 7-1 in favor of bond
issuance for St. Clara’s Manor