Potato Leafhopper Damage on Red Maples and the Fall To-Do List
By John Fulton

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[September 12, 2016]  Potato Leafhopper Damage on Red Maples - The effects of the potato leafhopper on ornamental shade trees are very striking at this time – particularly on red maples.

The red maples are among the most severely injured trees by the leafhopper. Other trees affected include oaks, other maples, red mulberry, red bud, cottonwood, birch, apple, dogwood, hawthorn, euonymus, black locust, and cherry. Infection most likely began in May and June, and the effects are now visible.

The leafhopper is a small wedge-shaped insect, which is light green. Their length is about an eighth of an inch, and they are attracted to light at night. At times of very large numbers, they look like a fog around outdoor lights. Young leafhoppers look like the adults, but they can’t fly. They suck plant sap, then inject a toxin back into the plant leaf. They feed at “points” on leaves, meaning the tips or the lobes. That is where you find the damage beginning.

Damage appears as curled, stunted, mottling, and in the case of red maples in particular, the red coloration is the standout part of the damage. Other discoloration can also appear with lighter leaf areas or brown or black areas. There is often a “v” shaped area at the point of feeding with it progressing from yellow, brown, then black, then tattered out by wind and rain.

Treatment is probably only justified on young and nursery stock, and at this time of year, the damage has mostly been done. It would have taken preventative insecticide sprays much earlier in the season to prevent the damage we are now seeing.

The Fall To-Do List

It seems like fall is sneaking up on us. It’s been a highly variable summer, but the weather is changing. It is easiest to notice the evenings are much shorter, and we have less time to do the things we need to do in the fall. Following is a list of things to get into your schedule over the next few weeks, and in some cases not to do.

Do a good job of raking up old fruit from under trees. This old fruit harbors many diseases and insects that could cause you problems for next year, if allowed to lie under the tree. Don't stop with the ground clean up, but also remove mummified fruit and small fruit from the trees and dispose of it in another location.

We are rapidly approaching the “breaking point” for the recommended time to seed grass seed. If you want to try it later, you may have excellent luck or have no luck at all. Fall seedings should be done by September 10 or so. The next recommended seeding time is mid March to the 1st of April. Figure on about two pounds of seed per 1000 square feet of lawn for an overseeding, and four pounds per 1000 square feet for a newly tilled area. Hopefully the temperature and moisture situation will be more favorable than it has been earlier.

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 Now is a great time to go after those broadleaf weeds in the lawn. Make sure that you select the correct product, use the proper amount, and do not treat areas containing fall seeded grass. The rule of thumb is that you need to mow newly seeded grass at least 3 times before treating that area for broadleaf weeds. This means you don’t try and do both in the same fall or spring seeding season. Broadleaf weeds that are perennial are sending large amounts of material to the roots to enable them to come up again next year, and translocated herbicides will be sent to the roots as well. Be warned this also means perennials, such as flowers and shrubs, are in the same boat. If you seeded grass recently, skip the weed control this fall.

Pruning chores for plants with a high sap flow should be done in December, while other pruning chores are best done in early February for deciduous plants, and in June for evergreens. Flowering shrubs are best done after they flower to preserve flower buds for the following year. Pruning now frequently leads to more damage to plants.

Plan for next year’s garden planting scheme now. It wouldn’t hurt a bit to apply some lawn and garden limestone to the entire area, especially those where you will have tomatoes, green beans, and peas. The only areas to not put lime on are areas where acid-loving crops, such as blueberries, will be. Assuming you are applying about a pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet, apply about 4.25 pounds of lime to the same area. This rate would also be appropriate for lawns.



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