Four quilts and five afghans were created and donated
to the Park District to be raffled at three different Atlanta events
held in April, May and September. Quilts and Afghans are on display
at the Atlanta Memorial Community House, Atlanta Library, The Dixie
Truck Stop in McLean, and on the antique fire truck inside the
office building at the corner of Arch and Race Streets.
There will be a total of 9 chances to win over the course of the
raffle. The winners need not be present to win, as shipping or
pickup information will be gathered during the notification phone
call. Proceeds will benefit the Park District maintenance projects.

The schedule for raffle drawings as follows:
April 15th

Atlanta Easter Egg Hunt
Atlanta Park, Race Street:
Drawing 10:00 a.m.
1 Baby Quilt and 2 Baby Afghans

May 29th

Memorial Day Celebration
Atlanta Fire Barn, Vine Street:
Drawing 1:00 p.m.
1 Twin Quilt and 1 White Afghan
September 9th

Fall Festival
Atlanta Park, Race Street:
Drawing 8:00 p.m.
1 Twin Route 66 Quilt and 1 Block Afghan
1 Wolf Quilt and 1 Fall Color Afghan
[to top of second column] |

Tickets can be purchased, now through September 9th,
at the Atlanta Library during library hours, at The Dixie, now
through May 26th, Monday-Friday 5 – 11 p.m. or by calling: Donna
Atlanta Quilt Corner, Atlanta Needlework Guild, and Crafty Misfits
wants to thank everyone that has so generously donated fabric, yarn,
and numerous other sewing supplies, including sewing machines.
Donna Campbell: “These items enable us to create quilts, pillows
cases, afghans, blankets, ‘huggable friends.’ baby gowns, and winter
hats for children and some adults, in need of basic comfort items.

Current projects include gifts to:
Abraham Lincoln
Hospital, Emergency Room;
Atlanta National
Bank, Wee Care Christmas Tree;
St. Francis
Children’s Cancer Center, Peoria;
Pregnancy Resource
Center, Lincoln;
Christian Medical
Clinic, Bloomington;
Atlanta United
Methodist Church quilt projects and Christmas Workshop;
and any local fund
raiser promoted by a member.
Annual charity donations average more than 250+
quilts, 550 winter hats, 120 ‘Huggable Friends’ cloth dolls, 100
fleece and/or fabric baby blankets, and 120 t-shirt or fabric totes.
Every piece of fabric received is used for donated items. Any
leftovers are cut into squares to be used for future quilts. All
scraps, too small for fabric squares or yarn to be knit or crocheted
into hats, scarves or mittens, are snipped into very small pieces
that are used to stuff the “Huggable Friends”.
It is the goal of the groups to not waste even the smallest piece of
fabric or yarn.
[Donna Campbell]
