The seasons include 60-day duck seasons in each
of the state's four waterfowl hunting zones, along with 107 days
of Canada goose hunting opportunity in the North and Central
zones (15 days in September, two days of youth hunting and 90
days of "regular" goose season), 99 days of Canada goose hunting
opportunity in the South Central Zone, and 87 days of Canada
goose hunting opportunity in the South Zone. Goose season
lengths are shorter in the South Central and South zones to
coincide with duck season dates and to match hunter preferences.
The 2017-18 Illinois season dates are the second
year of a five-year plan that was developed in 2015. This year,
Illinois will open the regular duck, Canada goose, and snow
goose seasons on Oct. 21 in the North Zone, Oct. 28 in the
Central Zone, Nov. 11 in the South Central Zone, and Nov. 23 in
the South Zone. White-fronted goose (specklebelly) seasons will
open Oct. 23 in the North Zone, Nov. 5 in the Central Zone, and
with duck season in the South Central (Nov. 11) and South zones
(Nov. 23).
The daily duck bag limit is six (6) and may include no more than
four (4) mallards (two hens), three (3) wood ducks, three (3)
scaup, two (2) redheads, two (2) black ducks, two (2)
canvasback, one (1) pintail, and one (1) mottled duck. The daily
bag limit of mergansers is five (5), only two of which may be
hooded mergansers. The possession limit for ducks and mergansers
is three times the daily bag limit by species and sex.
Canada and white-fronted goose daily bag limits will be two (2)
with a possession limit of six (6). The snow goose daily bag
limit is 20 birds, with no possession limit, during the fall and
winter season. The spring Conservation Order Light Goose season
will open Jan. 19 in the North Zone and Feb. 1 in the Central,
South Central, and South zones, ending March 31 in all zones.
There is no daily bag or possession limit on snow, blue, and
Ross' geese during this season.
The September 2017 early Canada goose season is Sept. 1-15 with
a daily limit of five (5) and a possession limit of 15 geese in
the North and Central zones, and a daily limit of two (2) and a
possession limit of six (6) geese in the South Central and South
Illinois’ 16-day 2017 statewide teal hunting season is Sept.
9-24 with a daily limit of six (6) and a possession limit of
eighteen (18). Shooting hours for the September teal season are
different from the regular season, starting at sunrise (½ hour
later than regular season) until sunset.
The IDNR 2017-18 season dates are outlined below.
Illinois Waterfowl Season Dates for 2017-18
September Canada Goose: Statewide Sept. 1 - 15
September Teal: Statewide Sept. 9 - 24
Seasons by Zone
North Zone
Youth Hunt: Oct. 14 - 15
Duck: Oct. 21 - Dec. 19
Canada Goose: Oct. 21 - Jan. 18
Central Zone
Youth Hunt: Oct. 21 - 22
Duck: Oct. 28 - Dec. 26
Canada Goose: Oct. 28 - Nov. 5 and Nov. 12 - Jan. 31
[to top of second column] |

South Central Zone
Youth Hunt: Nov. 4 - 5
Duck: Nov. 11 - Jan. 9
Canada Goose: Nov. 11 - Jan. 31
South Zone
Youth Hunt: Nov. 11 - 12
Duck: Nov. 23 - Jan. 21
Canada Goose: Nov. 23 - Jan. 31
Illinois 2017-18 Snow Goose and White-Fronted Goose Season Dates
North Zone
Snow Geese
Regular Season: Oct. 21 - Jan. 18
White-fronted Geese: Oct. 23 - Jan. 18
Central Zone
Snow Geese
Regular Season: Oct. 28 - Jan. 31
White-fronted Geese: Nov. 5 - Jan. 31
South Central Zone
Snow Geese
Regular Season: Nov. 11 - Jan. 31
White-fronted Geese: Nov. 11 - Jan. 31
South Zone
Snow Geese
Regular Season: Nov. 23 - Jan. 31
White-fronted Geese: Nov. 23 - Jan. 31
The Illinois waterfowl hunting zone maps and anticipated seasons dates for the
2016-2020 seasons are available on the IDNR website at:
The application period for Public Duck and Goose Hunting Area Permits will be
open Aug. 16-31 for the first lottery, Sept. 1-14 for the second lottery, and
Sept. 15-28 for the third lottery. Permits remaining after the third lottery
will be available on a first-come, first-served basis online starting Oct. 1.
More information, including online applications, instructions and a list of
participating sites is available on the IDNR website at:
Additional details on the duck, goose, and other migratory bird hunting seasons
will be available on the IDNR website at and in the
2017-2018 Illinois Digest of Waterfowl Hunting Regulations (available later this
year) and the Illinois Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations 2017-2018,
available on the IDNR website at
[Illinois Department of Natural
Resources] |