Saturday, August 5, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00
p.m. at Armington Christian Church
1 p.m. Saturday at the church
Funeral home: Peasley Funeral Home, Lincoln Quiram Peasley Funeral Home,
Armington – Jermyth Mauricio Carcamo passed away on
July 30, 2017 at OSF Richard L. Owen Hospice in
Peoria with his loving family at his side.
Jermyth was born in Honduras on March 3, 1988. He
spent his early years in Honduras, Panama and
Crestview, Florida before moving to Illinois in
2001. He graduated from Olympia High School in the
Class of 2007. While a student at Olympia, Jermyth
was a cheerleader, on the track team and wrote for
the school newspaper, The Torch. After graduating
with the Class of 2007, Jermyth attended Illinois
State University in Bloomington.
Jermyth's passion was preparing beautiful dishes for
his friends, family and his customers. He loved had
spent time over the years working at Denny's,
Chili's, Olive Garden, Cafe Italia, Biaggi's, and
most recently, Vivian's in Iowa, where he lived for
the last year until he became ill.
Jermyth is survived his mother, Kelly Billington of
Armington; his dad, Keith Billington, his father
Eduardo Carcamo of Honduras; brothers: Kevin
Peralta, Shadow Billington, Keith Billington;
sisters: Amber Chambliss, Adriana Carcamo, Lourdes
Carcamo, and Genesis Carcamo. To cherish his memory,
Jermyth also leaves behind his large extended
family, an endless group of his “besties” and a
special pet and friend, “Nala.”
Jermyth will be missed by many and will forever be
remembered as the “Life of the Party”. His dance
moves, love of Britney Spears, Rianna and hip hop
music will live on through his friends.
Jermyth's family would like to express their
gratitude to the staff at OSF Richard Owen Hospice
for the compassionate care that he received in the
last days of his life.
Funeral Services for Jermyth will be held on
Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. at the
Armington Christian Church with Mr. Tyler Escoubas
Visitation will be held from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00
p.m. at the church on Saturday.
Burial will be In the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in rural
In lieu of flowers Memorials may be made to his
Quiram Peasley Funeral Home is in charge of
Click here to send a note of condolence to the
family of Jermyth Carcamo |
