Logan County participates in Monday's State-wide
Bicentennial flag raising ceremony

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[December 07, 2017]     Send a link to a friend  Share

At noon on Monday, official Illinois Bicentennial flags were raised simultaneously throughout the state at state, county and municipal government buildings. The flag raising marked the official beginning of a year-long Bi-centennial celebration to be held in Illinois over the next 12 months.

In Logan County, flags were raised in all the appropriate locations, including the Logan County Courthouse.

Members of the Logan County Board were joined by elected county officials, county employees, Lincoln Mayor Seth Goodman, and members of the Logan County Tourism Bureau at the Logan County Courthouse flagpole.

County Board Chairman Chuck Ruben read a proclamation passed by the County Board in November. Then he and Dan Benedict of the Logan County Veterans Assistance Commission raised the flag.

Pictures by  Nila Smith





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