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To the editor:One year ago, Logan County voters once again showed
their respect and gratitude for their County veterans by
overwhelmingly approving a levy to properly fund a Veterans
Assistance Commission.
Months of work and preparation by many veterans and supporters went
towards gaining approval for that proposition that would provide the
VAC Superintendent the ability and funds to provide badly needed
services to our veterans and their families.

The mission of Superintendent Dan Benedict has been, “to provide
exemplary, client-centered services and benefits that respond to the
needs of the veteran and their families.” Dan’s responsibilities
include in part assisting veterans in need of emergency financial
assistance and providing verification of need to the Indigent
Veteran Burial Expense Commission. He has completed his State
Certification to prepare and submit disability and pension claims.
[to top of second column in this letter] |
 The VAC has partnered with the Logan Mason Public Transportation
in assisting vets to their medical appointments.
The Lincoln Park District has also partnered with us to offer a
discount program for the Rec Center for all the county veterans and
their families.
The Peoria VA Vet Center is now sending a Readjustment Counselor to
Lincoln every 2nd and 4th Wednesday afternoon.
Your VAC started from scratch and has been working diligently
towards one goal; to make this the best in the State and we thank
Logan County for continuing to show that this is a proud veteran
Joe Schaler
December 09, 2017]
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