Meet the Candidates

Seth Goodman

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[February 01, 2017]  

To the citizens of Lincoln, Illinois –

At the age of 29, I, Seth Goodman, decided to do something different. I decided to do something that would challenge me, engage me, and allow me to work toward the betterment of our community. I decided to run for Mayor for the City of Lincoln.

Born and raised in Lincoln, one will note that I have never strayed from our quaint little Midwestern town. I graduated from Lincoln Community High School in 2006 – and further went on to graduate from Millikin University in 2010 where I graduated summa cum laude with various honors. All the while attending college full time (junior and senior years anyway), I was also selling real estate full time here in Lincoln. Just a few short years ago, I purchased ME Realty – the top producing real estate agency in Lincoln/Logan County. Additionally, I have been the top producing real estate agent for the past seven years and have been fortunate to have been able to have received local, state, and national awards. Currently, I am a board member for Castle Manor, teach Jr. Achievement to area students, serve as a board member on both the local as well as regional board of directors for Jr. Achievement, and enjoy piloting my hot air balloon, ‘Done Deal!’

As Mayor, I would be able to offer the ability to work with various individuals – of all different ages and walks of life. The key to a successful city in my opinion is to have an involved city. Individuals typically want to be involved and not excluded. They should be kept up to date with issues that are raised as well as be able to participate in decisions that are made that will impact their city as well as themselves individually. In running for Mayor, I am certainly not doing it for myself, but rather for all us that have made the decision to call Lincoln, Illinois our home. Currently in my eyes, we lack transparency and knowledge. It is in my opinion that decisions are oftentimes made abruptly, without the complete understanding/satisfaction of those in charge. No large monetary decision that will impact the City of Lincoln should be made without full approval of those in charge as well as the remainder of the citizens. One of the major issues currently facing Lincoln would be our monetary state – which is definitely one left to be desired. We as a small community cannot continue to outprice ourselves and make large spending decisions hastily that hurt citizens as well as endanger the future of our community.

[to top of second column]

As far as strengths – I am one that will never give up on an issue until it has been resolved to the best of my ability. I am a hard worker, I am dedicated, I am strong. I know when I am right, but I also know when to back to down and trust the leadership of those around me. I realize going into this position that I do not know everything there is to know about small town politics/government procedures. But I do however know that I have an open mind, two hands that are fully able to work hard, and a heart for anything and everything Lincoln.

One of my primary focuses would be to work with the youth within our community. I oftentimes speak with various classrooms throughout several area schools and stress the importance of hard work as well as getting your foot in the door at a young age. I also mentor students one on one and work with them to shape/build their future plans as well as goals. Additionally, I strive to empower our youth and to show them that anything is possible – regardless of age. Anything is possible – regardless of location. That truly great unheard of things can be accomplished in little old historic Lincoln, Illinois. I am proof of that.

If elected, I would make it my primary goal to serve you – the citizens of Lincoln, Illinois – above all else. That involves having an open door, being transparent, and being willing and open to fresh innovative ideas at all times. We have a rich history, a wonderfully centralized location, wonderful people, and the potential for greatness in the future. However, we must all work together toward the common good. Decisions must be made as a whole in an effort to preserve who we are and where we want to go. Without proper leadership, a community cannot thrive. I realize that I am not perfect, that I may be young, lack political experience – but trust me – I am capable, I am ready, and I am willing to lead OUR city through tough times in an effort to enable Lincoln to flourish for our upcoming generations.

Your candidate for Mayor,
Seth A. Goodman

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