This four part series will cover all aspects of beginning bee
keeping, whether you think you might like to become a bee keeper
or would just like to learn more about honey bees. This program
is sponsored by Lincoln Land Bee Keepers Association (LLBK),
Sangamon County Farm Bureau and University of Illinois Extension
Logan-Menard-Sangamon Unit.
Session dates are on Thursdays, February 23, March 2, 16, 23,
30, from 6 pm to 9 pm. Sessions will be held at the University
of Illinois Extension Building, 700 S. Airport Drive,
Springfield, IL. There will not be a class on March 9, as that
is scheduled for a LLBK meeting, however, class attendees will
be invited to attend the meeting.
Registration fee of $35. Advance registration is required and is
on-line via the Logan-Menard-Sangamon website,
http://web.extension. Class size
will be limited. Questions, call the Extension office at (217)
[Jennifer Fishburn
Horticulture Educator
University of Illinois Extension]