Ryan Stoltzenburg: 1 kill, 2 assists, 1 ace and 3 service
Autumn Dunovsky: 2 aces and 4 service points
Sofia Yeazle: I ace and 5 service points
Riley Tungage: 1 kill
Ava Gorens: 1 kill
The 8th grade team won in 2 games with scores of 27-25 and
25-17. Stats from the game were:
Ashley Schmidt: 7 assists
Elise Dawson: 2 kills, 4 aces, and 8 service points
Ryen Stoltzenburg: 3 kills, 3 aces and 10 service points
Sesleigh Peacock: 1 assist, 4 aces and 4 service points
Jasmine Davis: 3 kills
Jacey Cooper: 4 service points