Other varsity finalists were sophomore Jack Graue, fifth in
Poetry and Shannon Rahn, sixth in Prose.
Junior varsity finalists were sophomore Hunter McKinney and freshman
Ella Burton, second in Dramatic Duet Acting; junior Ethan Keller,
third in Dramatic Interpretation; Emma Cooper, fourth in Dramatic
Interp; sophomore Aleaya Turley, sixth in Dramatic Interp; Jack
Graue, fifth in Informative Speaking; and sophomore Samantha Lewis,
fifth in Special Occasion Speaking.
The Speech team will host a tournament this Saturday at LCHS, its
final regular competition of the season. IHSA competition begins
February 4th with Regionals at Olympia, Sectionals Feb. 11 at Normal
West and State in Peoria February 17th and 18th.
[Jennifer Keith
Technology Coordinator
Lincoln Community High School] |
