Illinois certainly needs a budget. But it needs much more than that.
It needs solutions.
Whatever budget is passed, it must address and begin to solve the chronic,
painful issues Illinoisans face every day – from job losses, to the highest
property taxes in the nation, to the state’s hostile environment for businesses.
If not, Illinoisans will continue to flee Illinois in record numbers.
As the legislative debate rolls on regarding the Illinois Senate budget plan
introduced in early January by Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, and
Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno, R-Lemont, everyone, from the press and
politicians to civic groups and taxpayers, must ask this question: Does the
proposal address the fundamental crises facing Illinois?
If a plan is full of tax hikes, borrowing and bailouts, then it will only
perpetuate the disastrous status quo of the last several decades, and Illinois’
crises will continue.
On the other hand, if a plan contains concrete, structural reforms – from
401(k)-style retirement plans, to comprehensive property tax reform, to revamped
workers’ compensation rules and changes to collective bargaining and Medicaid –
then Illinois will finally be tackling its many problems.

Unfortunately, the Senate plan is far closer to the former than the latter. If
it is enacted, Illinoisans can only expect the failures of the past few decades
to continue.
Here are 10 negative consequences of Illinois’ status quo:
1. Illinois has created no new net jobs since 2000
Illinois has not had
a net gain in private-sector jobs in nearly 17 years. The state is still short
22,000 jobs compared with the year 2000.
In contrast, every one of Illinois’ neighboring states has created
private-sector jobs over the same time period. Indiana has created over 75,000
net jobs, while Wisconsin has created over 80,000.
And Texas has created more than 2 million net new jobs over the same time frame.
2. The state has suffered a collapse in manufacturing jobs
Unlike other states in the Midwest, where manufacturing has largely recovered
from the Great Recession, Illinois’ manufacturing sector has continued on a
downward spiral. Illinois manufacturing jobs have grown less than 3 percent
since the bottom of the recession. Iowa has recovered double that. Wisconsin has
grown its manufacturing jobs by 12 percent. Indiana and Kentucky have grown
their jobs by over 20 percent. And Michigan has grown its manufacturing jobs by
almost 40 percent.
Overall, Illinois has lost over 300,000 manufacturing jobs since 1998, causing
great economic harm to middle-class and blue-collar residents in downstate
communities that depend on those jobs.
3. Illinoisans are burdened with the highest property taxes in the country
Illinoisans today pay the highest property taxes in the nation when compared
with the value of their homes. The average Illinoisan pays 2.67 percent of the
value of his or her home in property taxes every year – double what homeowners
in Missouri pay and 2.5 times what residents in Indiana and Kentucky pay.
And property taxes are taking a bigger and bigger chunk out of homeowners’
wallets. Property taxes consumed 6.4 percent of Illinoisans’ median household
incomes in 2013. That’s nearly double the 3.6 percent property taxes consumed in
illinois property taxes

In some Illinois communities, residents pay 5 percent or more of the value of
their homes in property taxes. For many, that’s more than they pay toward their
mortgages each year. In those places, such as in Chicago’s Southland area, a
homeowner will pay twice for his or her home over a 20-year period: once to
purchase the home and a second time in the equivalent amount of property taxes.
4. The state hasn’t balanced its budget since 2001
Any state with an absence of structural spending reforms and an economy that
loses people and jobs to more business-friendly states will always struggle to
balance its budget.
The state hasn’t had a truly balanced budget since 2001 despite a constitutional
requirement to do so. Politicians have put off paying bills, moved funding
around and engaged in other budgetary gimmicks every year since then.
[to top of second column] |
 5. Illinois continues to borrow money at a rapid pace
Future generations are increasingly on the hook for the
government’s spending negligence. The state’s debt has quadrupled to
over $28 billion since 2000, meaning interest and debt payments are
now siphoning money away from core government services such as
education and social services.
The Senate plan would add another $7 billion in borrowing,
increasing the state’s debt burden to over $35 billion.
6. The state’s credit rating has collapsed
The state’s chronic history of bad budgets, spending priorities
focused on state workers, and the refusal to pass spending and
pension reforms has resulted in financial institutions continuously
punishing Illinois with credit downgrades year after year. Since
2009 alone, Illinois has suffered 17 credit downgrades from among
the nation’s three big ratings agencies.
Moody’s Investors Service has assigned Illinois the lowest credit
rating in the country, just two notches above junk bond status. The
credit rating agency has warned that the exodus of people from
Illinois and the state’s weak economy are credit negative – an
indication that the state risks falling into a financial death
7. Illinois’ pension crisis continues to grow uncontrollably
Under conservative projections, the state owes a record $130
billion in pension debt, bringing state worker retirements to the
brink of insolvency.
Illinois’ pension debt has more than tripled since 2002. In that
year, Illinoisans owed $7,600 in debt per household. Today,
households in Illinois are on the hook for more than $27,000 each in
state pension debt. That number has worsened as pension benefits
grow and Illinois’ population shrinks.
8. Skyrocketing benefits continue to fuel the pension crisis
Critics have constantly blamed underfunding as the cause of
Illinois’ pension crisis. But the real pension problem has been the
dramatic growth in benefits granted to government workers by
politicians over the past three decades.

Benefit costs have risen so drastically that no amount of taxpayer
dollars could have kept up with them.
The total benefits owed to workers and retirees (accrued
liabilities) have grown nearly 1,000 percent, or nearly 11-fold
since 1987. In contrast, the economy (state income) has only grown
227 percent; inflation, just 109 percent; and the actual number of
participants in the pension systems has grown only 56 percent. The
state’s population has increased just 13 percent over that period.
Pension benefits have grown far faster than any of those factors.
To understand how massive that growth in benefits is, consider that
the median Illinois household income in 1987 was $27,000.
If household incomes had grown at the same rate as accrued pension
benefits – 9 percent each year – households today would be making
nearly $290,000 a year instead of the $60,400 they take in now.
9. Pensions crowd out funding for social programs and other core
Yearly pension costs now consume 25 percent of the state’s
general fund budget and are crowding out spending on social
services, higher education and nearly every other core government
Pension contributions have grown to over $7 billion annually, up $6
billion from the year 2000. Even a small portion of that money could
be enough to fund home health care workers and services for those
with mental disabilities.
Instead, Taxpayers have been forced to pour additional dollars into
the broken pension system over the past few years, even as the
state’s pension funds have grown closer and closer to bankruptcy.
10. All these crises result in an exodus of Illinoisans and an
eroding tax base
A net 1.2 million people have fled Illinois over the past decade
and a half – the worst out-migration record in the Midwest and one
of the worst records of any state in the country. In 2016, Illinois
lost 114,000 people, on net, to other states, a record high for the
Land of Lincoln.
And the income of those moving out of Illinois continues to surpass
the income of those moving into Illinois. Overall, Illinois has lost
more than $40 billion dollars in taxable income due to out-migration
since 2000, resulting in permanent harm to Illinois’ tax base.
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